
Monday, November 3, 2008

An Old Dog and New Tricks

My education has been advancing nicely these last few weeks, like say, since I took up blogging. I discovered this is another good way of utilizing the ol' brain cells to help ward off senility, which is good since working Sudoku puzzles has lost its charm.

Not all of what I've learned recently concerns blogging, though. Several things have contributed to my continuing adult education.

Here is another one of my unscientific lists. This one is about things learned, or re-learned this weekend:
  1. People will give trick-or-treat candy to anyone, including boys who go around dressed as themselves. Or maybe the Bear was actually dressed as his friend, Eric, and Eric was dressed as the Bear. Awesome!

  2. If a boy hides his candy, it will take his dog roughly 30 seconds to find it.

  3. When the dog finds hidden candy she will most likely grab a Kit Kat bar, because she has made it her life mission to destroy anything having to do with a kat, er, cat or maybe because she just loves chocolate. Who knows? We asked her (in an attempt to be scientific) but she wouldn't comment. She is still undecided, too, in whom she will vote for in the election tomorrow. She just knows that since she lives in Ohio it is her right as a resident to do so. The fact that her state issued "license" is for a canine should not be a problem.

  4. Adults trick-or-treat! This astounds me. Really. I'm not talking about people holding bags for their children. I'm talking about a loud, obnoxious, rude lovely woman shoving a bag up under my nose politely asking for a piece for herself. I have a suggestion for adults like her: buy twice as much candy as you expect to give out to the neighborhood kiddies and keep the leftover half for yourself. Make sure to get a nice variety. Works for me!

  5. I learned how to make letter strikethroughs. What? You already noticed?

  6. I thought my fat black cat, Lucy, died about a year ago, soon after we acquired the dog, but I found out that she is living in Iowa with Darcy of "Life With My 3 Boybarians!" Don't believe me? Go over and watch her You Tube video called "My Video Blog." I was at her site learning "blog things" and came across the video, which I watched, obviously.

  7. If someone has a hurricane come through their area unexpectedly it is against the law in our municipality to burn the resulting tree debris in a galvanized drum but it is perfectly acceptable to burn it in a rusting outdoor firepit on your driveway while handing out trick-or-treat candy. Said municipality was supposed to send a truck around to grind up the branches into mulch but didn't. We don't need it now, so don't bother.

  8. Giving a child a cell phone does not guarantee that his mother will be able to reach him to ask where he is but does guarantee that his friends can always contact him to ask the same question.

  9. I learned that taking a DNA sample is not as easy as it looks on CSI. It takes 3 swabs to 3 different parts of the mouth for a total of 90 seconds to get an acceptable submission. My dad had agreed to take a DNA test so that I can participate in a genealogy surname study. I think Dad is still speaking to me, but I'm not sure. Dinner at Bob Evans might've helped make amends.

  10. Moving the clocks back one hour does not guarantee an extra hour of sleep. Um, can we try it again next week? I promise to do better!


  1. Oh my goodness, girlfriend. You crack me up. You were born to be a blogger.

    Next you need a custom space to reflect your witty personality. yes, that is my job. Just to cover my own worries about shameless self-promotion. You don't have to use me. Google U is your friend. I'm just sayin'... ;)

    Lucy says hi. And I can't be sure, but I think she might have puurrrreeedd a "na na na na boo boo."
    She really is a snarky thing.

    Bookmarking you.


  2. I get a kick out of the CSI shows. A dog licks a girl who has cut a finger, the dog gets into it with a cat that makes contact with a homeless guy in the trash who finds the girls purse in trash which was tossed there by the guy who killed her after the dog ran off of course. The DNA that got on him from the cat and the purse in his posession from the trash gets a poor helpless homeless guy falsely charged with murder. So sad. :-( But of course they may find some snot from the guilty guy somewhere and finally put it all together to solve the crime and get the homeless guy attention and off the streets. All's well that ends well. :-)
    I've had two cups of coffee. Ignore me. :-)

  3. Yeah the clock thing didn't work for us either...since we just didn't do it! LOL! :-D A problem I fixed after being up and out at 6:00 AM! :-)

  4. I'm laughing quietly to myself as hubby is already snoring and I don't want to wake him. You are definitely a natural blogger. I still don't quite know how to let my hair down. You've just blessed me with a good medicine! So have all your commenters!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)