
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Got Lemons? Make Lemonade!

Another Award!

On A High Hill was honored to receive its second award of the month and ever! Thank you very much to Karin for bestowing it upon my little piece of the blogosphere. I've been thinking long and hard about my own recipients and came up with my list before stopping by to pick up my prize.

But first, the rules:
  1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
  2. Nominate at least 10 who show great Attitude and/or Gratitude.
  3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
  4. Let them know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
  5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received this award.

*Note: I added the commentary because I am a very talkative person. You are not required to add all the verbage about "reasons" after the names of your submissions like I did below. Thought I'd better clarify that.

In accordance with the rules I nominate the following people and for the following reasons*:

  1. Pen to Paper, Spirit to Soul. I know you'll think this is a "gotcha" thing since you stopped by my blog to comment just yesterday, but actually the reason I picked you was because I enjoyed your story that you submitted for Wednesday's Walk, which should be pretty obvious by the size of the comment I left. In other words, you were on my list even before you stopped by to visit me.
  2. Cheapsk8mom. Not only is she one savvy bargain hunter who has helped me save "beaucoup" money (that's a lot for all you non-Frenchy types, and that's about the limit of what I remember from 3 years of high school French class) but she does it in a humorous way, too. I love the droll comments that she makes when telling us which coupons to use or freebies to pursue. Not only can she make blog "lemonade" but she probably knows where to get the lemons at a bargain price!
  3. Ronnica. I was introduced to her blog through . . uh, well, now that I'm thinking about it I'm not sure how I found Ronnica's blog. I've got a couple of "best of" or once a week submission places that I frequent and I think Ronnica was found through one of those. Anyway, she's a spunky Kansas girl who now lives down near my own Lulu, and from what I've read she seems to like it just about as well and that ain't sayin' much. But even if she is stuck in NC she has a pretty good attitude about the whole thing.
  4. Lynette Kraft. Reading this lady's blog brought tears to my eyes. Her testimony of the goodness of God in the face of horrible grief makes me ashamed for having ever complained about anything. God is so good! And Lynette makes sure we all realize that. She's the inspiration behind "Wednesday's Walk Down Memory Lane."
  5. Allyson. I've known Allyson since the day she was born. Literally. I was so happy when she found me through the blog. We moved from Allyson's neck of the woods almost 10 years ago and although I am glad to be back near the home folks, I miss the friends I left behind in TN. I'm very pleased with the young woman that she has become. Her extended family was a big part of our ministry and not all of them attended our church. (Her uncle was our mailman for 14 years.) Besides, she posts pictures for me so that I can see the family!
  6. Amy. This is my niece, or actually Pastor Dad's niece, but since Pastor Dad and I are "one" that makes Amy my niece, too. She's new to the blogging community, as am I, but just the fact that she blogs in order to share her pregnancy with us is a great encouragement. Also, the last week has not been an easy one for her as she almost lost her wonderful daddy. The Lord spared him, for which we are grateful. Through it all, Amy kept that beautiful pregnant glow on her face and hope in her heart that her daddy would live to see this expected grandchild. (Keep praying. He still has an uphill climb ahead of him.)
  7. Donna. Her return to the blogosphere has been welcomed by many, including me. I think expecting her first grandchild might've had something to do with it. It's hard not to tell the whole world how happy you are when you are as happy as Donna is about the expected June arrival of little Colton. Welcome back, Donna! And here's your first award for the new blog. I like all the encouragement "off blog" as well.
  8. Kelly. She was tired of her old blog so she started a new one dedicated to writing letters somewhat anonymously. It appeals to me for some reason. I think it was because I started my blog as a means of talking to myself in a manner allowed by society. If others read it, fine. If not, that's fine, too. Putting the words on the page in a way that makes God and self satisfied is a concept I like. And since Kelly seems like one of the family, it is only fitting that we encourage each other. I'm not sure if this is your first award for the new blog or not, Kel. Just go with it either way. :)
  9. Karen. Well, of course! I enjoyed reading her witty blog for quite awhile before I decided to match wits with her and start my own blog. This is dangerous, I know, since I've been matching wits with Karen for almost 28 years now and have not always come out the winner. But I'm a big girl, and so is she, so I think we can both take it. We're fine with that. (Aren't we Karen?)
  10. Lulu. Things have changed a lot since I watched that rental moving truck pull out of our driveway headed across country to Dan's first assigned post as a married couple. Through Lou's blog I've watched her tackle dogs, the house, and the Air Force! Way to go, girl!
  11. The Princess. Okay, she doesn't actually have a blog. Karen and I were telling her the other night that we're tempted to start a phantom one because she needs one. The only problem with the Princess starting a blog on her own is that then she'd be free to tell her side of every story. I'm not sure we want that. :) But if she ever starts blogging she'll have her first award waiting for her. After all, I can't think of any better examples of people who took lemons and made lemonade than the Princess and her husband.


  1. Thanks, Karabeth! I think this might be my first time I've come to your blog, but I'll be back!

  2. You are just too sweet. I have Miss PD today so will probably not be on long for any moment but will be thinking about my nominees.

    I am a bit speechless so I will close! Thank you again.

    Pamela in TX

  3. Thank you so much for the compliment! That means a lot to me! I'm so blessed and happy that Dad is doing so much better. It's always hard to see your dad that way. Anyways, thanks again!!
    Love ya!

  4. Thanks for the award! I just played it up to one of the other secretaries in my office so now the MTSU Career Development office is very proud of my achievement.

    By the way, how exactly do you post the award to your blog? I'm usually more computer literate than this.

  5. You're welcome! I love the way you are able to write a commentary after each blog that you chose! I'll have to pop by and visit them now. So much to do in bloggyland and so much fun.

  6. Thanks for the award Karabeth! I love it! :):):):)


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)