
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

If Nothing Else, It's Beautiful

I'm guessing that yesterday's 4 inches has now become today's 12 inches or so with about 1/2 inch of ice sandwiched between the layers. Shoveling today was a lot harder than yesterday. I took a bit of a break to take some pictures of the beauty around me.

The holly bush in the front:

The pine trees that are usually standing upright:

The lamppost with an icicle big enough to be used as a weapon:

The picnic table where nobody is picnicking today, not even the squirrels:

The dogwood tree with the buds that hold promise that spring will arrive someday:

Lilac bush "under glass:"

Some very dangerous deck steps:

And finally, The Revenge of Pepper, who once again was forced to stay inside while everyone else "had fun." Ha!:

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  1. Um, what background? I think my blog may have caught my virus. Doh!

  2. Your pictures make me shiver, but your right it is beautiful. I'm just glad its beautiful up there and not here in Texas. haha.
    I think the Dog Whisper needs to visit with Pepper. :)
    Our dog Libby has destroyed one thing in our house, the carpet in my husbands closet. During thunderstorms she digs. We didn't realize she was doing it because she would get in a dark corner and dig. Anyway, if we ever sell our house. We'll have to replace the carpet in there. It's down to the concrete slab :( Husband is not happy. But she is cute so I forgive her.



Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)