
Friday, January 2, 2009

A New Year and A New Award!

Wow! It's a brand new year with all of its promise and I've just received my first ever blog award! Thank you! Thank you very much! I wish you could see me taking my bows. (No, I'm not worshipping the computer. I don't worship things that have a tendency to send error messages, lose requests, and move slow enough that 2010 might be here before I get this message posted. I save my worship for the Omnipotent who is the antithesis of all that.) However, I do bow now in humility while accepting the award.

My Blog-buddy, Karin, over at
Yesterday, Today, Forever honored me with this lovely award! What can I say? (Besides the thanks that came with taking the bows.) I am honored! That's what I can say. You know I've plenty more to say, right? I'm rarely at a loss for words. . .

I think the teacup is beautiful. Being predominantly of English-German ancestry, each line arriving on American shores in 1880 and 1851 respectively, teacups have played a prominent part in my life, especially because of my 2nd generation English-American Grandpa and my 3rd generation German-American Grandma. Teacups are now displayed around my house as a token of my heritage - and my love for hot tea!

I'm a real sucker for roses, too. Or any beautiful looking or smelling flower. This award is a real pick-me-up on a cold winter day.

So, thank you, Karin, for the lovely award! I will also display it FOREVER on the sidebar and will name my own recipients forthwith.

Here are the rules:
  1. Link to the person who gave you the award.
  2. Name seven recipients of your own. (As per Karin's instructions, it is okay if you can't come up with that many. Just try to brighten the day of as many people as you can.)

In accordance with the rules, I am giving the award to the following people:

Ladies, you know what to do! I think everyone whose blog I visit is absolutely lovely but I know if I name them all there will be no one left for some of you to list as your own recipients. Therefore, I'll leave it up to you five to contact the people in your blog circles, some of which overlap my own.

Blessed New Year to one and all!


  1. Very well said Karabeth! You're so delightfully light-hearted and I enjoy reading your blog! Love the way you tied that in to tea cups and roses! Gotta babysit the grands - so I'm off now.

  2. Well thank you so much for the award, but how do I post it in my sidebar? =)

  3. Thanks for the award! I'll blog about it later.

  4. Aw, thanks!!! It's so nice to be thought of!

    I'll pass it on! :)


  5. Thanks for the award! I love your blog.


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)