
Saturday, February 21, 2009

100 Things About Yours Truly

Hmph. The blog police have spoken. I didn't even know there were blog police when I started blogging. And I certainly didn't know that I knew them personally. But yet, somehow, I'm not surprised :))

So here is a list of 100 things about me to satisfy curiosity and to keep me out of trouble. Thanks to all of you for helping me celebrate my 100th post. (Where is the confetti? There ought to be confetti. And balloons.)

  1. I'm the mother of the blog police sheriff.

  2. I'm the pastor's wife to her deputy.

  3. One of my favorite television shows is "Monk."

  4. I don't have any known phobias.

  5. Except for a fear of heights, which I just looked up, and mine is not the true definition in that mine doesn't go as far as acrophobia.

  6. Airplanes and tall buildings are fine. Rooftops are not.

  7. Which might mean I'm more afraid of falling than of heights.

  8. Couldn't find the specific name for the definition of that one.

  9. The phobia list shows fears of falling, meaning while walking. While that should apply to me (think back to when I fell down the steps and broke bones in both feet) it doesn't.

  10. Falling off rooftops does apply.

  11. Because I'm a klutz and I don't like looking down.

  12. I collect pictures of dead people.

  13. They are of my ancestors.

  14. They were alive when their pictures were taken.

  15. I read the encyclopedia when I was a kid.

  16. I'm alone a great deal of the time these days.

  17. Even when I'm with the Bear.

  18. Usually I'm cool with that. I get a lot done.

  19. I used to want to be alone a bit more than I was.

  20. I've never won a trophy. For. Anything.

  21. My decorating style is kind of shabby. Not shabby chic. Just shabby. I blame the pets we've had through the years.

  22. Excepting the first year we were married and living in an apartment I've always had either a dog or a cat.

  23. Or both.

  24. I was my school's spelling bee champ in 6th grade. No trophy was awarded.

  25. I'm a visual/kinetic learner.

  26. I read the Bible through at least once every year.

  27. I'm preparing now for a "speaking gig" in March.

  28. It's at a breakfast for pastors' wives.

  29. I'll need to make sure I get up before breakfast on that day.

  30. I'm concerned about speaking to a group of women who know more about my subject than I do. Talk about preaching to the choir!

  31. I sing alto. I mean in the choir, not when I am guest speaking.

  32. I earned a bachelor's degree in elementary education.

  33. I earned a master's degree in religious education.

  34. I still feel uneducated most of the time.

  35. I had the chicken pox when I was almost 30 years old.

  36. I had the German measles about 4 times when I was a child. (I liked 'em so much I kept going back for more. Ha!)

  37. I've been vaccinated against German measles after each pregnancy except the first one. Immunity never seemed to take.

  38. I'm extremely shy but not in a phobic way.

  39. I have trouble making friends.

  40. Always have.

  41. Broccoli is my favorite vegetable.

  42. I usually make Sunday dinner for about 10 people.

  43. Dessert, too.

  44. I make lists for everything because it is the only way I can stay on track.

  45. I like to ride bikes.

  46. I had a fit when I logged on yesterday and found my blog was missing except for the template. No telling how long it looked that way before I got it fixed.
  47. Pastor Dad took me to see Michael Buble in concert last year for my birthday.

  48. My taste in music is pretty eclectic.

  49. I like Alison Krauss, too.

  50. I'm the registrar for my chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

  51. I've helped 42 women join in the past few years.

  52. I choose to keep my blog identity anonymous because my real one is plastered all over the Internet at genealogy websites.

  53. I don't use my mother's maiden name as the answer to security questions just because my name and genealogy are plastered all over the Internet. (The rest of you might want to take the hint. Public records are just that. And many of them are available online.)

  54. I wrote a book about my German ancestry. I hope to have it available this year. It won't be published using a pseudonym.

  55. During the warm weather months I dress up in historical garb and volunteer as a tour guide at a local historical site.

  56. I enjoy doing cross stitch, but only when I'm riding in a car or stuck in a hotel room. I don't sit down long enough at home to get anything accomplished.

  57. And I have to keep the needles away from Pepper.

  58. I get compliments when I wear the color red.

  59. I wear red a lot. :)

  60. Pastor Dad tells me I'm beautiful.

  61. Pastor Dad is prejudiced and I allow him to be.

  62. I like dressing up.

  63. But I get self-conscious if I see anyone looking at me.

  64. I don't understand the rules of basketball except the part about the ball going through the hoop.

  65. I'm a baseball fan.

  66. The Cincinnati Reds are my favorite team even when they do poorly, which is pretty much all the time.

  67. The Indianapolis Colts are my favorite football team. Go Peyton!

  68. I like to work Sudoku puzzles on paper and not any other way.

  69. I make notations when I work Sudoku and that is hard to do unless the puzzle is on paper.

  70. I like to work crossword puzzles, too, if they aren't too difficult.

  71. I like to work jigsaw puzzles, although most of the ones I've done recently were online instead of out of a box. See here for one such site.

  72. I like to read poetry.

  73. I've written a few poems also.

  74. I miss the big yard we had in TN.

  75. I'd like to have that yard with this house.

  76. I'd like to have the vegetable garden, too.

  77. I like to travel.

  78. We traveled all over the USA on our vacations when I was a child.

  79. I always wanted to take piano lessons when I was younger.

  80. I played clarinet instead.

  81. Not well.

  82. I'm a night owl married to an early bird.

  83. I used to require about 9 hours of sleep in order to function.

  84. Not anymore.

  85. I took roller skating lessons when I was a child.

  86. I've never been hospitalized for anything except childbirth.

  87. I can remember my grandma's phone number. She died when I was 16.

  88. After I gave birth to Lulu I weighed less than 100 lbs.

  89. On doctors orders I drank milk shakes every day to increase my weight.

  90. I wish I still had to drink a daily milk shake for my weight.

  91. Slim-Fast doesn't count.

  92. I like to lift weights.

  93. I don't like to do floor exercises.

  94. I like to take long walks.

  95. With Pastor Dad, not Pepper.

  96. I value sentimental things over valuable things.

  97. I smile and laugh a lot.

  98. I used to volunteer at a homeless shelter once a month when I was a teenager along with others in my youth group.

  99. I'm donating $100 to it, City Gospel Mission, in honor of this 100th post.

  100. I'll do a contest also once I find something appropriate to give away. (Heavily used basketball, anyone?)


  1. The Blog Police give you an "A" for this list. And they would give you a trophy if they happened to have one on hand. Maybe for your 500th post.

    Does this mean Kelly is "Barney" to my "Andy"? I can totally see that. :)

  2. I let the celebration balloons go this morning! It was a bright and sunny day with a light breeze here. Let me know when they get there!LOL

    Wow!! That was amazing - so interesting as well as entertaining. You have a fantastic style - writing that is - I don't know your fashion style at all - although I'm sure being a pastor's wife you must have that too!

    There was a time when I was looking into genealogy too. Hmm, you are plastered all over the internet. Haven't got a clue where to start researching who you really are! I have the philosophy that if someone really wants me to know something, they will tell me of their own accord.

    LOL, I also have pictures of dead people. My family took pictures of those family members who died and were all laid out in their coffin. Some of those were aunts and uncles in Germany that I had never met.

    You sure don't sound like you have trouble making friends!!You sound like a lot of fun to be with.

    Blessings and thank you for donating $100.00. The people of City Gospel Mission thank you!

  3. Good job! I must've checked Blogger 50 times yesterday looking for this post. :)

    And I'm not sure who Barney or Andy are. I'm thinking Barney from my preschool years on PBS, but that can't be right.

  4. I did this not long ago. it's hard to do, isn't it?

    I saw Michael Buble in concert last year too. Wasn't that the BEST ever????

    Enjoyed the read!

  5. I love this blog because I learn more about my family every-day. It's hard to believe you have been my aunt almost 30 years and I had no idea about many of these things. We actually have many things in common... but you floored me with the whole "pumping iron" thing. Didn't see that one coming!

    Nephew E

  6. http://truthfultidbits.blogspot.comApril 18, 2009 at 10:04 AM

    These were great! You may be shy, but you sound like you have a great sense of humor!

    I left out so much I feel like doing another 100. Ha!

    I'm glad the Blog Police made you do this.

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  7. Great post! I loved doing this 100 things activity...but it sure took awhile!!!

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