
Friday, February 13, 2009

Love Is In The Air

Happy Valentine's Day

Of course I've noticed that it is almost Valentine's Day! I'm not totally oblivious. But if it is true that a way to a man's heart is through his stomach (and I don't have any intention of debating that little saying) just remember that I've got a hubby and son with stomachs that need filling. Feeding them is just one of the ways I can show them I love them, hence all the recent posts about shopping.

I knew I'd find a way to segue if I just thought about it awhile.

Keeping with the theme of love I thought I'd give you 10 reasons why I love the immediate members of my family. That would be my husband and 4 children. I love my grandchildren, too, but my reasons are so obvious, why should I list them? I love my in-laws, too, some of whom read this blog so I'll just say, "Hi!" and "I love you! Have a great weekend!" I love my parents but the last time I sent them Valentines I was, oh, perhaps in first grade. I don't want to shock them. I love my 3 sons-in-law but everyone, especially they, would think it ultra-weird to list 10 reason why. Plus, they are covered under the above in-law clause. :)

Ten Reasons Why I Love "Pastor Dad"
  1. He loves the Lord. And me.
  2. He is willing to work hard for the sake of the ministry.
  3. I've never had to worry about whether or not he would take care of our family financially. Like the Apostle Paul he "makes tents" whenever necessary.
  4. He remembers birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions. Forgetting our 4th anniversary taught him a valuable lesson.
  5. He is my favorite male vocalist. Ever. Take that Michael Buble.
  6. He's a wonderful dad. We were always on the same page when it came to how big the family should be and on how they should be raised. No fights about whether to home-school or not. No fights about types of punishment, etc. The kids have always respected their dad.
  7. He's very, very intelligent. Pure genius.
  8. He keeps his temper under control. Usually. Basketball refs are the exception. :)
  9. He likes to take walks, ride bikes, shoot baskets at the driveway hoop, and toss a baseball. I'll let you figure out which activities are with me and which are with the Bear.
  10. He's always available to me. If I call him he'll drop whatever he's doing to help me.

Ten Reasons Why I Love Karen

  1. I didn't understand parental love until I looked into her little blue eyes on the day of her birth. Being the firstborn, she taught me that.
  2. She was a very dependable babysitter for her siblings as she was growing up which enabled me to drop everything and run if Pastor Dad called and said we needed to make a visit together. Or have lunch together. Whatever.
  3. She is very intelligent - genius even - like her daddy.
  4. She is a faithful wife and mother.
  5. She is my favorite piano player in the whole world.
  6. She chose to follow in our steps in the ministry as a pastor's wife. Lots of p.k.s run away fast and furiously. Her love of the Lord led her to follow His leading and surrender her life to His will.
  7. She is a wizard of finance.
  8. She has a witty sense of humor.
  9. She doesn't hold grudges. Or does she? I don't think so...
  10. She bends but she doesn't break. Very important.

Ten Reasons Why I Love Lulu

  1. Being an only child, I didn't understand that a parent could love their second child as much as their first. She taught me that love multiplies, not divides, when the family grows larger.
  2. She is extremely intelligent, also a genius. Her areas of expertise are different than her sisters' but she is brilliant in her field.
  3. She is our tall, dark, statuesque beauty. She seems comfortable in her skin and I admire that.
  4. She is willing to go wherever SSgt. Dan and the USAF take them. No small accomplishment for Lulu.
  5. She is my favorite female singer in the whole world.
  6. She has a tender heart for animals. All sorts. All numbers. She's good with their owners, too, and that's why her pet sitting business has been so successful.
  7. She is a wizard at home improvement. I'm so-o-o looking forward to putting her to work, er, I mean, having her here. :)
  8. She has a witty sense of humor.
  9. Even after she grew up and left a pastor's home she remained faithful to the Lord.
  10. She is a good friend to many. Everybody loves Lulu.

Ten Reasons Why I Love The Princess

  1. She was the baby God almost took from us a couple of times in her first 2 years of life. I feel blessed that we have her here with us 20+ years later.
  2. She is very intelligent, a genius really, and her confidence in this area has grown tremendously during her college years. (Congratulations on the honor society induction!)
  3. She doesn't hold grudges. Many of us are thankful for this. And many should be.
  4. She's a good worker. Her bosses wonder how they ever got along without her.
  5. She's never met a stranger. Ask our pastor emeritus about the first time he met her. :)
  6. She desires to raise her Little Beanie Baby for Christ. She left her childhood home recently but not her childhood faith.
  7. She repents quickly when she sins. Evidence of the Holy Spirit at work.
  8. She's my favorite blond of all time. The prettiest, too. Grace Kelly or Marilyn Monroe didn't have anything on our petite little blond. And the Princess' hair color is natural.
  9. She has a lot of spunk. Dynamite comes in small packages.
  10. She is so good to her sisters and her brother. The bond of love between all of them is a wonder to behold (and a joy to this mama's heart).

Ten Reasons Why I Love The Bear

  1. He loves the Lord and reads his Bible. He isn't afraid for others to know that. That makes him an unusual teen-aged boy.
  2. He has a very tender heart underneath that tough exterior.
  3. He respects womanhood. One mother told me that her daughter had this to say about him, "He's the nicest boy I've ever met." Nice to hear.
  4. He loves his country. Patriotism and all that it means courses through his veins. Someday I'll watch him leave to join the military. The few. The proud. The Moms of the Marines.
  5. He likes animals. Dogs and cats, especially.
  6. He's an exceptional athlete (golf, taekwondo, and basketball) but you'd never know it to hear him talk. He's humble that way.
  7. He's very protective of his sisters. NOBODY better bother them. He's their baby brother but soon he'll also be their big brother (in height).
  8. He is a lot of fun to have around. The number of friends that hang around our house are testimony to that.
  9. He's one of those "afterthoughts" that turned out really well. :)
  10. He's my favorite boy in the whole world.

Happy Valentine's Day, Family!

I love you!


  1. Wow! Thanks you for the kind comments. We love you too!

  2. Well, mark it down: you've done the impossible and left me speechless. Except to say, I love you too!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)