
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Princess!

Today our baby (not to be confused with our youngest, who, incidentally turned 14 earlier this month) turns 21! As a matter of fact, she was born right about this time of the day.

It was so exciting to count all her little fingers and toes. It was music to our ears to hear her first little cry. It was reassuring to know that her little heart was functioning normally. Even though she was taken away from us within minutes after her birth because of the fluids that needed to be drained from her lungs, we were breathing the first relieved breaths we'd had in over 7 months.

We were happy and praising the Lord. We can still say that today.

As you can probably surmise, there were more than the usual reasons why we were anxiously counting fingers and toes, listening for the sound of her first cry, and awaiting the news that her heart was in good working order. That story will wait until some other time. For now, let's just rejoice that the Lord has given the Princess 21-derful years of life and love!


  1. I don't recall that you had a problem pregnancy. I'm waiting on that story! Hope it isn't too far away! God is Good, isn't He?!

  2. That was a good day!

    Pastor Dad

  3. Very nice birthday party for the Princess yesterday! Thanks for all your work.

    Pastor Dad


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)