
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Comments for My Commentors

Okay, it's just easier to quickly answer everyone at once than to respond to several people in emails, which I've already done in some cases. But this is Wednesday and I do need to go to work today, and there's a possibility that I could end up holding a new grandbaby before too long, so I want to reply to the comments post haste. Nice pun, if I do say so myself.

To Kelly of For the Love of Letters: I empathize completely. And I'm sorry for startling you. I get an extreme case of nerves each time the phone rings. Which means, of course, that the Princess has told me to "chill out" a few times. Enough so, that I'll probably be the last person to know about the birth of the baby.

To Karen of Candid Diversions, who is my oldest daughter, as I'm sure every one of my readers now knows: I'm so sure we should call our newest family member "Fennec" or "Fen" for short in the blog world that I've already discarded the name "Little Beanie Baby" from my profile (see About Me to the left). I changed it once you and I discovered it because I was afraid in my current state of expectant grandparenthood I would forget it.

I was thinking that it would be appropriate for Prince Valiant and Princess to actually name their son "Ike." Very fitting, don't you think? And the name would fit some other family traditions as well - that we won't mention here. :)

To Karin of Yesterday, Today, Forever: Have a safe and wonderful trip! I'm looking forward to hearing from you when you are able to write for us again.

To Vicky of Project 365: I saw that you've got a visit with grandchildren in your immediate future. Hope you and Tim have a safe and wonderful trip as well. I look forward to seeing the resulting pictures. And if you ever get a chance to do a marathon cooking session you'll be shocked at how much money you save on your grocery bill.

To Pastor Dad: Okay, here's the thing you really wanted me to remind everyone about. Father's Day is June 21st. That means only 18 more shopping days. Are you listening Karen, Lulu, Princess, and Bear?

I think that's it for now. Now it's off to school, then work. Don't you love my priorities?


  1. Before too long? As in like today?!

  2. Don't worry! There will be some posts of our visit with the grandbabies! You can count on that one! And, btw, they will be spending a week with me week after next! WOOHOO! Then, I'll need a vacation! :)


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)