
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Why Do They Scare New Moms Like This?

Our little Fen is a week old today. My, how time flies when someone is this side of pregnancy, and the pregnancy wasn't even mine. Perish the thought!

The hospital where my grandson was born provides a visit from an in-home nurse a few days after mom and baby go home. I think this is because they practically throw them out the door as soon after birth as they can these days. And I'm not complaining. There were a few times in my own personal experience when I would've gladly gone home if they had discharged me.

I wasn't present for the nurse's Saturday visit but the Princess quickly let me know how things went. Most of the visit was pleasant, and the nurse offered a few helpful suggestions. But there was one area where the nurse was anything but helpful. She wasn't happy with the baby's weight and even went so far as to suggest that the Princess call the doctor to see if she could get him in for an appointment earlier than the one scheduled for Tuesday. Formula was suggested. The poor mommy was terrified that her baby wasn't thriving!

Since we'd rarely left them alone some of us were intimately acquainted with the feeding arrangements between the Princess and her son. Suffice it to say that all was going well. The "clear liquid diet" that the Lord designed for the first few days of a newborn's life was accepted willingly by the little one. And then when the diet changed to something a bit more substantial I laughed as I witnessed the first surprised and greedy gulps of the young man. Priceless! So here the Princess was a day later, scared that her child was being starved to death. It just didn't seem possible.

And it wasn't. Nothing could have been further from the truth. At his doctor's appointment yesterday they learned that little Fen not only had gained back the weight he'd lost by the time he was discharged from the hospital but had also gained an extra 8 ounces! He's obviously getting enough to eat, thankyouverymuch.

Sounds like the diet that the Lord provided agrees with the Little One pretty well. Leave it to God to think of everything. :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear things are going well! I remember those first few days of nursing were a real struggle, especially after my daughter's NICU stay. It was hard for me to believe she was getting enough after having everything measured out...and she just couldn't get the hang of it for a few days. I'm so glad my mom was there to encourage and support me...I couldn't have done it without her! Blessings to all of you!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)