
Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I hope this quip isn't true: If I ever get it together I'll probably forget where I put it.

I can think of no better example showing the need to get it together than that of someone agreeing to watch her grandson for the day only to be awakened on the designated morning by her daughter knocking on the bedroom door while yelling, "Mom? Are you up? The baby is here. . ." and knowing that her daughter is going to be late to work because the grandmother wasn't clothed and in her right mind at the appointed time.

How can I describe how I, er she, felt at the very moment consciousness was restored? Hmm. Nope. Can't quite think of the proper words. Embarrassed and horrified don't even tell the half of it.

I, er she, hadn't forgotten that the daughter was dropping the baby off today. She even went to bed last night with that exact thought on her mind. And she even woke up early this morning thinking about it, but then, obviously, she fell back to sleep! I'm glad to say that after the heart-rousing wake-up call the rest of the day went pretty well, actually.

Then there is this whole homeschooling thing. My daughter, Karen, announced yesterday that she started her kids back to school. And I, er someone, is pretending that summer will never end. I, er someone, will need to order all of her son's curriculum. Seriously.

It is abundantly clear that -like it or not - someone better get it together. Now, where did I put that curriculum catalog? It seems to have been misplaced.


  1. Oh, sounds way too familiar! I am getting so forgetful and I don't feel "on the ball" as much as I used to. I have way too many "Senior Moments" these days.

    But thanks for the chuckle. It helps me to know that I am not alone!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  2. Isn't getting older, not old mind you, but older, bunches of fun? :-) I'm still finding unfinished home school projects that haven't been finished that I misplaced. My last graduated in 2005. :-)
    Where are pictures of the baby?
    Take care.

  3. Oh, you are soooo not alone! It is a grandma thing, I think! So, it's actually your daughter's fault! :)


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)