
Monday, November 23, 2009

The Cost of Being Family

This post is directed at Kelly of For the Love of Letters.

Kelly is many things:
  1. blog buddy
  2. member of our church
  3. one of the Princess' former babysitting clients (as in the Princess babysat Kelly and her siblings many, many years ago)
  4. good friend of all four of my children
  5. a High Hill family wannabe

I don't understand that last one. I mean, I think we're pretty nice and all, but we're probably not any better than any other family, at least as far as anyone else is concerned. If you know what I mean.

I often get a little tongue-tied when introducing Kelly to people. We had missionary visitors last week and I introduced my biological children and it sounded so lame to introduce Kelly as our friend when what she really wants to be is a member of the family.

Don't get me wrong. I'd adopt her in a heartbeat but I don't think her parents would approve of that. Well, there might be some days that they'd pay me to take her, but I haven't tested that theory and don't intend to do so. So put the checkbook away Bryan and Amy. Besides, I only take cash.

I'm not sure Kelly understands all it means to be a member of the High Hill family. If she did, she might not be so eager.

For instance, all members of the High Hill family must be able to sit quietly in their pew while Pastor Dad uses them as fodder for humorous sermon illustrations.

Oh, wait! Kelly endured that yesterday.

I guess that means you're in! We've got an extra bedroom reserved just for you.

And it needs cleaning.

Welcome to the family! :)


  1. So, you get used "as fodder for humorous sermon illustrations" also?! Must be a pastor's family sorta thing! :)

  2. I conveniently already have my bags packed. :)

    And in my defense, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought that Bro. H wrote "When the Frost is on the Pumpkins." ;)

  3. I didn't realize you were taking on more family members. We might be willing to send a few your way--especially if you're going to feed them :)

    And, yes, I am almost POSITIVE Kelly is the only one who ever thought Bro. H. wrote that poem.

  4. Kelly does not clean.


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)