
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Midnight Snacking on Spiders

The average person eats 8 spiders during their lifetime, mostly while asleep.

The average person. This is one time that I'm hoping I'm well below average.

How do I know this tasty tidbit? The Bear told me. He has a new trivia app on one of his ever-present devices and decided to enlighten me.


He then continued by saying this means that I have probably already consumed 4 spiders. How about that? Not only can he gross me out but he can insult me about my age at the same time! Score two foul-shots for the Bear!

In order to combat unwanted and unexpected consumption I have decided that I shall now keep my mouth shut while sleeping. I don't have much hope for this plan's success as I do not seem to be very good at accomplishing such a thing even while awake.

Bon appétit!


  1. Karabeth this really grossed me out and made me wonder if it is true......Oh I sure hope not! (:>)

    My daughter checked on me one day when I was sick and she said I was sleeping with my mouth open. (:<)

    Yikes! I am going to try to stop that! (:|)

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  2. I can't vouch for the veracity of the trivia, however, I can vouch for the fact that I am reporting this exactly as was reported to me. Pastor Dad is my witness.

    I haven't stopped gagging yet!

    Sweet dreams! :)

  3. Yes, I have heard this said before! I'm with you in the above average category, I hope! :)

  4. I know they are there. One time, in the middle of the night, I took a drink of water from a mug on my nightstand and felt a weird sensation on my face. I screamed, dropped the mug and turned on the light. As I went to pick up the mug, I saw a huge spider underneath it. I have a hard time drinking from my water glass at night now. Creeps me out.

  5. As the blog police's deputy, I am obligated to clear this little rumor right up.

    Fortunately, he's wrong. This little piece of information was made up a newspaper columnist. Ironically, she was writing about how gullible people can be when they see something in writing. She only used the spiders thing to illustrate her point, but apparently we all missed that. ;)

    Wondering how I know that? I overheard one of your daughters talking to someone about swallowing spiders during my early years at camp. A little research help from my dad cleared this one right up and I was able to return to camp the next year worry free!

  6. Thanks for clearing that up for me, Kelly. I hoped that even if it was true any spiders I ingest might be of the teeny-tiny variety as opposed to tarantulas or something.

    So now this bit of "trivia" has been proven wrong. However, there's still that zinger about my age that must be handled. I'm thinking perhaps I should make him eat 8 spiders. At camp. :)

  7. I might be able to fit that into a challenge! :)

  8. Ah, a little extra protein never hurt anyone! Besides, I don't think the itsy-bitsy spider would like the inside of my dry mouth in the middle of the night, nor the developing morning breath! Yuck!!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)