
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hey, Vicky!

My good friend, Vicky Day, of Project 365 has been encouraging me to try digital scrapbooking. She even went so far as to offer some free files, not just to me but to all of you. I downloaded the freebies and waited until I had some freebie time.

What can I say? I'm not techno-savvy and I knew that before I even attempted anything. So yes, I know Polly has a daisy in her eye and that the frame is not in its original proportion. But this was still a successful first effort for me because it took me days to figure out how to get the photo behind the mat. Then there was the problem of getting it uploaded. For some reason, it just wouldn't happen last night. The answer to that problem came to me during the night. I got up this morning to test my theory and voila! it uploaded quickly.

Perhaps in the future I'll get more freebie time to learn more of the steps to creating beautiful digital layouts. In the meantime, this first effort would probably rate a C unless it was graded on the individual steps involved. Then I would probably rate an A for layering and a B for figuring out that uploading problem. And my choice of subject matter was flawless as the model grandchild always rates an A+.


  1. Karabeth! I am sooooo proud of you!!! Really, I am! Now that you have gotten past that PAINFUL first step, the rest will be a cinch!! :) If you want some more freebies of mine to play with, go to this link in my store:

    And I'm going to give you an A+ for all your effort and not even say a word about the proportional problems, lol! That will be a future lesson! :)

  2. I'll have to take some time to see if this would be something I could do! I have soooooo many ancient photos of my growing up years with which I would love to be creative, but haven't scanned them yet. Ran out of memory on my laptop and had to buy an external. It's just so time consuming and doing it by myself sounds like no fun! My daughter is big-time into scrapbooking! She does such a beautiful job!

    Have fun with this! Great job on your little grand!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)