
Thursday, July 8, 2010

"Busy June" Gets Ready for Traveling

After that week of VBS followed by the weekend of rain and celebrations, there were preparations to be completed in the following 6 days for the upcoming trip to Washington DC. I had my doubts as to whether we could do it or not. Time was tight and there was much to be done!

First, there was the shopping. Contrary to others' opinions, this was not a vacation. In our family a trip is defined by how many dress clothes one must take along. No dress clothes might* mean a true vacation. Several sets of dress clothes mean that Pastor Dad will be preaching as a visiting speaker and we will be attending each session. On such trips we add as many vacation elements as we can to provide some leisure. Sight-seeing might consist of brief moments seeing what the locale has to offer in way of amusement, cuisine, or historical significance. "Dress clothes required" trips are not to be spurned, but they're not technically vacations either.

(*An exception to the definition: church camp is not a vacation even if we don't take dress clothes! There's always one brave soul who will ask me after I return from a week away at church camp if I enjoyed my "vacation." Sigh! I say "brave" because so far the looks I've given the person have not resulted in injury but I fear there's a first time for everything. )

This trip, it was not Pastor Dad and I that required multiple two-suiters. It was the Bear. And given the fact that the Bear has grown significantly taller in the past few years the pickings in his closet were less than he needed. (More like slim and none.) Therefore, for the price of what it would cost to be hooked up to an EKG machine in the emergency room we bought the Bear a new dress wardrobe. I'm kidding, of course. It's just that when I saw how pale Pastor Dad became when he paid the cashier I began to fear that we were going to be making a first-hand comparison shortly.

Okay, shopping done. On to the next item on the list.

Second, there was school to do. We're still at it. We've been blessed with several "dress clothes" trips this year and we think traveling with Pastor Dad is one of the perks of homeschooling. Therefore, the actual bookwork has to be done at more unconventional times, like summer.

Okay, school work for the week was done. On to the next item.

Third, there was Father's Day to consider. We're very blessed to have our fathers in this area. We were also very un-blessed in that we would be nowhere near this area on Father's Day this year. So that meant making sure greetings were made in advance of the actual day. Cards and gifts were bought and delivered. No dads fainted due to receiving their gifts early.

Okay, done. On to the next item on the list.

Fourth, there was my upcoming family reunion and the genealogy book that I've been writing in honor of it.

Uh, undone, on both counts. I would not be attending the reunion again this year, and the book would not be completed either. But I worked hard to get a partial prototype printed out for viewing. It was all I could do under the circumstances.

Fifth, there was Pepper to take to the vet for her booster shots so that she could go on her own little trip to the kennel.

Okay, done. Keep going...

Sixth, there was Pepper to take to the kennel. She hates this part. I hate this part. Our usual kennel was booked solid so we had to use one that is reputable but definitely not folksy like our favorite. This one treats her like it is their job or something. Our usual one treats her like she's a guest.

Okay, done on Friday afternoon. On to the another item on the list.

Seventh, there was the Bible reading schedules to put on the blog. Since I wasn't sure of the Internet reception at any of the places I'd be staying (or even where I'd be staying part of that time!) I typed them in advance and scheduled those schedules to appear on schedule.

Done! On to the last item on the list.

Eighth, there was laundry and packing to be completed. Making the lists, checking them twice. Santa has nothing on mothers.

Okay, done! The busy week preparing for the trip was complete at midnight on Friday! Time for some sleep before the alarm went off on Saturday morning . . . at 3 a.m!

(Still, to be continued!)

1 comment:

  1. After all that you've had to do, you really deserve and/or need a VACATION!!!!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)