
Monday, August 2, 2010

The 10th Grade Curriculum

I can hardly believe we've been homeschooling for 25 years! In some ways it seems like it has been f-o-r-e-v-e-r and yet, in some ways, it seems like the journey is just beginning.

One of the reasons that each year seems like a new adventure is because we are constantly making adjustments to our curriculum. I find it necessary to tailor the curriculum around the learning style of the student and the dynamics of the family unit, and those are ever-fluid conditions. In the early years I was naive enough to believe that what worked for Child #1 would work all the way through Child #4. Silly me! What we bought for Child#1 didn't even adapt well to the needs of Child #2!

Even though Child #4 is the only student left in our homeschool and he is in high school, we are still making adjustments. I'm especially conscious of the fact that this is a boy young man whose education needs to be adequate for pursuing training toward a chosen career. We did not slack in our daughters' educations, by any means, but I especially feel the pressure of preparing him for his future.

I've pushed Child #4 a bit hard, but evidently not so hard as to discourage him. Just last week he came to us and announced that he is ready to begin this year's math course now in order to take as much time as necessary to master the material and not just finish the course. Once I found the tongue I'd lost in my moment of stunned silence, I gladly agreed.

And so, even though we've yet to order all the books, we have begun the math course already. Here is a list of the subjects we intend to cover this year:
  1. Advanced Mathematics (Saxon)
  2. Chemistry (Apologia)
  3. English (Institute for Excellence in Writing) - Components include Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization, Student Writing Intensive - C, and Excellence in Literature Content Guides for Self-Directed Study: American Literature
  4. Spanish (Rosetta Stone and a private tutor)
  5. Economics (Bob Jones University Press)
  6. Physical education will consist of tae kwon do classes, team basketball, and playing golf

It promises to be a busy, but exciting year!

(This post is part of the "Not Back to School Blog Hop: Curriculum Week" hosted by Heart of the Matter found here)

1 comment:

  1. 25 years, wow!! We just started our 14this year and have 14 more to go!

    Looks like a full and very complete year. Hope it's a great one for your family!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)