
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Playing The Game of Telephone

Did you ever play the game of Telephone when you were growing up? It was also called Gossip and for good reason.

The object of the game is to let a rumor progress by whispering it from person-to-person and comparing the one at the end with the one that was started. The rumor that originated is usually barely recognizable by the time several people pass it along.

We play this game often but we call ita Prayer Chain. Just kidding. Sort of.

That isn't really what I wanted to share anyway. Some of our family recently got to play a confusing version of Telephone.

The Bear went with friends to see the Christian comedian, Tim Hawkins, perform in another city. Lisa called later that same evening and asked if it was true that The Bear had gotten Tim Hawkin's autograph. I didn't know anything about it and wondered how she possessed such knowledge living almost 3,000 miles away like she does!

She said that The Bear had sent a text to Dan several hours earlier. At first we were both insulted that he'd sent his brother-in-law this news but not his mother or sister. But when we each checked our respective cell phones we found that our batteries needed recharging. We'd received the message but could not access it.

Lisa also told me that Dan told her that The Bear had told him that Mr. Hawkins autographed his back. Now we were really puzzled! What was the meaning of this?

We felt sure that the signature must be on a shirt and not his actual back which would be subject to moisture from - you know - a shower at best, and perspiration at worst!

After I got off the phone with Lisa I checked my cell to see if the battery had acquired enough juice to send the Bear a text. It did, so I asked, "Shirt or Skin?"

Too bad that Mr. Hawkins neglected to reference his "favorite verse" under it!

1 comment:

  1. Oh! That is just too funny! I hope it was a permanent marker so it will last for a little while anyway! :)


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)