
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

(Orange zinnias and decorative grass taken 10/10/2009 at the Cincinnati Zoo)
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I love autumn! I also love winter, spring, and summer. I know! I'm so fickle! Or maybe I'm just thankful for each season that God gives as it comes along.

I remember reading or hearing a sermon by a famous preacher (Swindoll, perhaps?) that compared the earthly seasons to our journey of life. I was too young at the time to understand just how true that analogy is but I've lived long enough now to experience it first-hand.

Each season has its own trials and blessings. As a child progressing through the Springtime and as a young woman enjoying the Summer season I could never fully imagine the joys that come with having grown Blessings (that's my children) and my little Grandblessings (their children). If I had failed to grow older I would never have experienced this beautiful Autumn season of life.

As I contemplate my life's Autumn season a few things immediately come to mind for which I am thankful. Here are a few just for starters:
  1. My parents and in-laws are in reasonably good health.
  2. My life's partner has been with me since the early Spring season of our lives and he helps to divide my burdens and multiply my blessings.(Here the word "blessings" does not pertain to my children, although I can see how the multiplying of those blessings could apply here, too.)
  3. My house has not been emptied of the sound of my own Blessings' feet. How nice not to have an empty nest yet!
  4. We have a house on the hill (literally!) that shelters us from the elements.
  5. My body's heater hasn't gone too haywire yet. (Note to you Summer girls: no blankets needed to keep you warm at night.)
And some that pertain to this literal autumn season:
  1. The impatiens that survived the drought of summer (and picking by a certain grandblessing) are still showing off near the sidewalk. :)
  2. The red geraniums are looking especially vibrant against the backdrop of fallen leaves.
  3. The cups of coffee and hot tea are particularly appreciated now.
  4. The beauty of the trees has not been as spectacular this year due to the lack of moisture but some of the maples were as gorgeous amongst their dull-colored neighbors as cardinals are beside winter-plumed birds at my bird feeder.
  5. The summer chores are over and the autumn ones are under way but the shorter days and longer nights help to slow my body's busy pace just a bit. This might be mere perception, but it helps me transition toward sleep instead of thinking I must complete more chores before day's end.
  6. The dark evenings mean more time spent snuggling with a good book instead of working in the yard.
Every season has its beauty and every season has its work. Some seasons require longer days and more stenuous labor to complete the tasks at hand and some allow more time for rest and reflection. I'm positive that the Lord that created us and the seasons designed us to enjoy everything in its time.


  1. I love it! This post was especially good for me. Even now, with many years left in my summer season (when does that autumn season start, anyway?!) I DREAD the autumn and winter seasons of my life. I mainly don't want to see my kids grow up and any bad times they will experience in the process. But I guess I would never experience the joys of my own "grandblessings" or no blanket needed at bedtime. =) So I am reminded that I need to worry about the future less and pray about it more! I may use this as part of my devotional for the next ladies meeting I will host, if that's ok with you. I don't know when that will be. Probably next year sometime.

  2. (Note: I have a correction to make but thought it best to do it in the comment section instead of in the body of the post. Pastor Dad has known me since the early Summer of my life, not the early Spring. Some folks might think him a cradle-robber anyway, but that's taking things a bit too far.) :)

    Yes, Elisabeth, you may use this as a devotion. I'm always glad that the Lord uses something I say to be an encouragement. I, too, never wanted my children to grow up, but I see now that life did not end when they did. It just changed into another beautiful season!

  3. I enjoy reading your thoughts and seeing a different perspective that I had not thought of!

  4. Yep! Hated the autumn season, but am LOVING the change over to winter!

  5. This was a very nice way of explaining life changes. I will have to mull it over in my mind awhile therefore and enjoy it. After all it works out for our good.

  6. This was a very nice way of explaining life changes. I will have to mull it over in my mind awhile therefore and enjoy it. After all it all works out for our good.May I enjoy all the seasons of my life.


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)