
Monday, April 18, 2011

Rough Weekend

Yes, it was. I think it was because there were a couple of busy weeks preceding it.

First there were income taxes to be finished. No, not ours. Those have been filed for several months. Other people's taxes. Doing them is one of the things Pastor Dad does for fun. Well, for a bit of spending money anyway. If you are familiar with the company that advertises that "you got people" then now you know who one of those "people" is.

Then there's basketball. The Bear's team is playing in a spring league one night a week and the games can start anywhere from 5-9 p.m. It is hard for all of the players to get to the early games on time due to interstate traffic so last week they began the game with only 4 of our guys on the court until more players arrived. The late games never start on time because those scheduled before them take longer than the time alloted which means the 9 o'clock games usually start at 9:30 putting us home at 11 p.m. or later.

I had a great meal prepared for last Sunday's dinner but some were sick, some were out of town, and some were here to eat-and-run so I didn't feel like blogging about it. Here's the picture of the pork chops and stuffing to feed ten that I took. The food was good, even if the meal was a lot of work for a 5 minute gulp. At least I got the kitchen cleaned in record time.

We also attended a mission conference in Kentucky last Monday-Wednesday. It was great, but at some point I became acutely aware of a headache. This stuck with me most of the rest of the week. We finally determined that I was straining to understand the words of those talking to me. Now, lest you think I'm going deaf (which I probably am to some degree) let me reassure you that it wasn't that I couldn't hear sounds. It was that I couldn't understand anything being said to me. We think it is because of the low ceiling in the room where we were eating and conversing. The painted acoustic tiles blended all of the 75 or so voices into one big roar. Some people strain their eyes and get headaches (and I've been known to do that, too) but I think I strained my ears, if there is such a thing.

When The Bear and I returned home from his late basketball game Thursday we found Pastor Dad in bed with a fever of 102 degrees. No telling where he got it or what it was, but it was gone by the next day. It left fatigue in its wake.

Then on Friday The Bear and I were doing school together. We were sitting on the couch reading when Pepper decided to jump from her perch in the window and onto me. Her front paw hit the fleshy skin between my neck and collarbone. The pain brought tears to my eyes. The next day I started having chest pains when I moved a certain way. Evidently I pulled a muscle when I jerked in an involuntary reaction to having a 55 lbs. dog landing on my neck.

I didn't feel much like going to the store on Saturday or doing any of my normal stuff. It was cold and rainy to boot and I felt as blah as the weather. I went, but I wasn't really into the experience, so to speak. I haphazardly planned for yesterday's Sunday meal. Turns out, it wasn't necessary.

Either Pastor Dad forgot to tell me, or I missed the memo but we were having a visiting missionary family with us. (Really? Am I exhibiting symptoms of senility or is this part of that hearing thing I mentioned earlier?) Whatever. I didn't have enough food for the extra guests. Lunch wasn't happening here.

Turns out lunch didn't happen there either, for me anyway. I came home after church with a headache and went to bed. I slept most of the afternoon on the couch and part of the evening, too. Then I went to bed last night and still didn't have any problems sleeping! I guess I needed it.

I got up this morning feeling a bit stronger and it turned out that Chicken Little (that would be me) was wrong about the sky falling!

Only big dogs fall on heads around here.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Also sorry about Pastor Dad's apparent memory lapses because that missionary family has been on the church calendar (in the office) for months.

    Apparently everyone knew they were coming except you and Dad. Go figure. ;)


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)