
Friday, July 8, 2011

Guess Who Will Be Coming to Visit Soon!

Two of my favorite people! And I can't wait! The last time I saw either of them was the week they parted. (He left the week of her birthday and I was the consolation prize to help her celebrate the day as well as we could under the circumstances.)

Here's a picture of their recent reunion (ripped shamelessly from Lisa's blog). :)

And here's a video reminder that it is our loved ones and neighbors who are serving our country, which is the nation of us:  we are the people who make up these United States of America. (And I shamelessly copied this link from my friend Vicky's blog.) :)

Watch and then say a prayer for those serving in harm's way.  Say one also for the families of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. And if you know someone who is serving, why not send them an email or a note on Facebook just to let them know you care?

In just a few more days I will be able to give my favorite staff sergeant a hello hug! I will be so much happier than I was on the early December morning when I hugged him good-bye. My heart broke then because of the necessity of the separation he and Lisa had to endure. It will be great to see them together again.


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)