
Friday, July 1, 2011

To My Husband

Happy Birthday!

The words are big to match the sentiment, not because I thought you needed larger print in order to read them.  :)

Remember when you promised that we'd grow old together?  Well, that hasn't happened yet so just hang in there.  However, I do see signs that it is trying to creep up on us . . . and I don't mean that as a personal indication.  But there are signs everywhere.

Once someone's oldest child is celebrating anniversaries of their 29th birthday, and their youngest child is driving, and they have 5 grandchildren scrambling to be the first one to yell, "Hi Grandad!" whenever you see them . . . well, it just seems inevitable that old age is right around the corner.

That's okay.

We'll always be young at heart.  And that's the part that will never grow old.  So growing old with me will be something that never ends.




  1. A very Happy Birthday to your hubby and wonderful, abundant blessings and adventures with the Lord in the year ahead!

  2. Happy Birthday, Pastor Dad! And many blessings wished for you and Gram in your years together!

  3. Sweet, Just like you ;)

    I love you!

    Pastor Husband


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)