
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday Tune-up: Mid-year Reminder

Remember those New Year's Resolutions you made back at the end of December, 2011? I hate to alarm you, but that was 5 months ago! How are you doing with them?

Yeah, me too.

Or at least, that's the way it has been with some of my goals. There are things I wanted to do that I haven't done yet but there are other things that are becoming part of the fabric of my life. Let me review a few of my "successful" resolutions:
  • Sing solos in church. Check. (The most recent time was last Sunday morning.)
  • Ride my bike more than I did last year. Check. (Pastor Dad and I biked 11 miles this past Tuesday and yet we were still able to retain the ability to walk without wincing (Win-win!). Since we didn't even take the bikes off the ceiling mounts in 2011 this goal has already been completed. Every bike ride we take the rest of this year is considered a BONUS!)
  • Regularly read my Bible. Check. (Keeping up with the schedule!)
Okay, I'm not even going to list the things that haven't come to fruition yet. I need to get busy on them in the 7 months that are still left in 2012.

What about you? Have you kept up with your Bible reading? If not, I can help. You can begin ANYTIME to read your Bible and with summer reading programs kicking off perhaps this would be the optimal time for you to add daily Bible reading to your routine. It is a lie to think you need to wait until January 1, 2013 to try again!

If you'd like to receive a yearly schedule designed to run from June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2013 sign up for the weekly email containing the week's assigned passages. Like the regular 2012 schedule there will be no reading on Sunday. But for this schedule there will be a highlighted verse that you might want to memorize or meditate on all week.

Or if you prefer, you can take 18 (actually, 19) months to read through the Bible. This choice is for those who do not want to read both Old Testament and New Testament passages simultaneously and would prefer to have no assignments on Sundays or holidays (hence the need for 19 months). This schedule is designed for June 1, 2012 - December 31, 2013 and will be sent each week by email.

Contact me by email if you wish to sign up.  Tell me which plan you want to receive. It is not necessary to give your name or in any way to reveal your identity. I will not use your email address for any other purpose than the weekly delivery of the assigned reading.

1 comment:

  1. Hubby and I have our daily together times of worshiping our Lord! That's why I'm not joining your Bible reading, but am glad you are providing this opportunity for others. Blessings in this venture! Since we've moved and hubby is trying to cope with Parkinson's I've hauled out our Sunday School hymnal. We're singing those songs again that we sang in our childhood - and he knows the lyrics off by heart and they are even returning to his memory! Special times!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)