
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Slump Slam Giveaway!

"Mom, I'm bored!"

Is your family showing signs of summer slump already? Let's slam it! Would it help to have a few new games to play? I'm giving away two games, one for the younger children and one for the pre-teens and teens. Oh, yeah, and parents are encouraged to play along, too. :)

These games were developed by my son-in-law, Philip,and my granddaughter, Isabel. Gamers might recognize Philip from his successful Steve Jackson Games enterprise Revolution! His new game Kingdom of Solomon is produced by Minion Games. He recently (as in two days ago) redesigned and renamed his game development company, which is a subsidiary of . . . well, go here and see because he can explain it so much better than I can. I just wanted to help out everyone concerned (you and him) with this little give-away.

One blessed individual will receive both games. The games will be promptly shipped because I know how important it is to receive a box in the mail containing emergency boredom-relief supplies!


  1. I have heard great things about these games and I would love to play!

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  2. I'm glad I dropped in tonight to check your little corner of blog-world :) please enter me too!! :)


    1. ooh! sorry I didn't realize I was supposed to answer a question ... why would I like to win these games??? Because we would LOVE to play them !!! ;) I heard everyone talk about these games but I've never gotten a chance to play them -- this would be so fun (and Breanna would think it was SO SO cool to play Isabel's game)!! :)

  3. We love new board games around here and I've actually been meaning to get Polly's, I mean Isabel's, game for a while now.

  4. I would love to win them for my son's family. They love playing games and I know they would love these.

  5. Thanks to you and your son-in-law for this great giveaway!

  6. Very cool! Middle daughter is the right age for Tiger Stripes, oldest daughter just about ready for Kingdom of Solomon...

  7. Could definitely use some boredom busters around here! We already own Tiger Stripes, and my 6 year old really enjoys it!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)