
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Journal Through the Bible: Week 6 Wednesday


Today's reading contains the names of two animals that we cannot positively identify but that sound like two animals that we know through fossil and folklore. "Behemoth" sounds very much like the dinosaur that scientists have named the brontosaurus. The description of "leviathan" sounds very much like the dragon of folklore, which many are convinced really existed. Indeed, tales of these terrible fire-breathing creatures are found in too many diverse cultures to be summarily dismissed as fable. Even the ancient book, Beowulf, contains an account of a battle with a creature that has many of the attributes of the Biblical leviathan, a creature that Job obviously had encountered. The reason that we cannot say with any certainty that behemoth and leviathan are really a dinosaur and dragon is because both are now extinct.

Job 40:15-41:34

Does God make any promises in this passage?
Are there any mentions of Jesus in this passage?
None that I identified.
Are there any references to End Time events?
No, but I truly hope that the New Earth will be repopulated with animals that have become extinct upon this old one! Wouldn't it be exciting to see with our own eyes some of the creatures that we missed?

Does God issue any commands?
He commands Job to consider behemoth, the majestic creature that seemed to have a voracious appetite and thirst as well as a propensity for resting in the shade! (40:15-24)

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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)