
Thursday, January 15, 2009

A New "Do" Was Due

I see by some of the comments to my last post that frequent visitors have noticed a change in the appearance of this blog. There have been a couple of new "do"s in my life recently (hairdo, blog re-do) and the process was the same. Just like someone wanting to change their physical appearance pores over magazines and style books I did the same in order to change the blog's appearance. If there was one thing I learned last Friday night it is that the results are just as disastrous when I try to do-it-myself on the blog template as when I attempt to cut my own hair.

So with that in mind, here were my steps to obtaining a new hair style and a new blog template:

1. Search
2. Find
3. Purchase

And in keeping with my frugal genes: not pay a lot in the process.

Thanks to Sharnee over at Acornglue. The girl just gave birth to twins and she still had time to work with me on this. What a woman!


  1. Oh, so purchasing is involved?- I'm afraid I'm to cheap for that. I guess you're stuck looking at my plain-jane blog for awhile longer.

  2. If you need help picking out hair color just drop by my local Wally World and there could be someone lurking the isle to tell you what would look good on you whether you want to know or not. If you haven't read my latest blog post you might want to and you'll understand what I'm saying. :-) I'm sure she was just trying to help me out though I was unaware of there being a problem with my hair color. Nice to be brought up to date on things. :-)
    Your new blog looks great. Stay warm. It's 12 here. BURRRR!

  3. Love the new layout! Very cute!!

  4. Love the new look! The light green is so pretty! I might stay with my same format but change the colors for spring! My hair - I'm one of those gals who is enjoying going gray and I honestly don't care if that makes me look older. I had a staff in her early forties who was totally prematurely gray - all the girls constantly tried to get her to change her hair color. She stuck to her guns and I admired her for that! No problem with everyone doing their own thing! That's awesome! Have an awesome day! Streets are one big slush here because it is above zero! Driving is nuts! But I love the sunshine!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)