
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Remembering Grandpa

Last week's walk down memory lane celebrated an anniversary! This week's does likewise, but this anniversary is somewhat bittersweet for me.

Ten days after Pastor Dad proposed, my paternal grandpa passed away, but not before he'd given me strict instructions about my obligations. A couple of days before he died he was sitting in the pew ahead of me in church on Sunday morning. Here is the almost verbatim conversation that took place prior to the worship service:

Grandpa: So little girl, I hear that you're getting ready to "jump the fence."

Me: Yes, I'm getting married in July. The date is already set.

Grandpa: And the boy is a preacher. You're going to be a preacher's wife, young lady!

Me: Yes, I know. It's all a bit terrifying.

Grandpa: Well, you better be good to that boy! You hear me?

Since my grandpa was quite hard of hearing and spoke loudly I'm sure everyone in the auditorium that day heard him. If I'm ever not good to that boy Pastor Dad has a host of people he can find who witnessed my promise to my grandpa. And since my grandpa died just two short days later I've been hearing the words of that conversation ever since. I'm doing my best, Grandpa, most of the time anyway.

This picture is of my paternal grandparents on their wedding day in 1928. If he had lived, we would all have helped them celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary just a few days after my marriage to Pastor Dad.


  1. You were blessed to have a grandpa who gave you good advice,...and are also blessed to be a pastor's wife, (:>)....
    I always dreamed of knowing my grandparents, (but never did).... And I also thought it would be so wonderful to be a pastor's wife.

    Well, I never was a pastor's wife, but since my husband became a Christain,...(when he was 49),..he has preached several sermons at the rescue mission and at the nursing home, and God has used him to be a blessing to many people.

    God is so good to work everything together for our good when we love Him. Thanks for your post.


  2. How precious to remember that conversation (and to have had it to remember).

    I'm sure you are "good to that boy!"

    Thanks for sharing the cute memory. Made me smile.

  3. Thank you so much for visiting my Blog out in Arizona today. Come back any time.

    From one Pastor's wife to another! ;)

  4. Great new template, Mom. I guess everything worked this time, huh? :)

  5. That's a precious memory! My grandparents didn't live to see me into my adult life, but I still learned plenty of lessons from them too.

  6. Great Post, and I love the new layout. Somebody should teach me how to change mine........

  7. Precious! I love the picture of them!! Picture are wonderful things, are they not?!? :)


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)