
Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Promised Give-Away

Okay, so I'm way past my 100th post, but a promise is a promise. This is the long awaited give-away.

We order books from time-to-time. Actually, to say we order books about once a week would be more accurate. Anyway, Pastor Dad and I have this joke between us that when one of us sees the UPS truck coming into the neighborhood he or she looks at the other and exclaims, "Did I tell you that I ordered . . .?" We get a good laugh out of it and feel we are doing our part to stimulate the economy by keeping book companies and the local UPS driver in jobs.

In our packages we often find books tucked into our order that the company sends just because they like us. Or because they know we're the folks keeping them in business. Or they send them to everyone who makes certain purchases. I don't know WHY they send them to us. They just do.

So in the spirit of giving I am willing to pass some of these books on to you. As you can see in the picture, there are three in the give-away. All of them will be sent to one winner.

They are:
  1. The New England Primer, Boston 1777, Patriotic Textbook Series, republished by Vision Forum
  2. The Original Blue Back Speller, New York 1824, Patriotic Textbook Series, republished by Vision Forum
  3. A Cluster of Camphire: Words of Cheer & Comfort To Sick & Sorrowful Souls, by Mrs. C.H. Spurgeon (originally published in 1898), republished by Particular Baptist Press

The rules are:

  1. Leave me a comment telling me that you would like the books.
  2. You may enter as many times as you wish.
  3. The contest will end at midnight Friday, April 3rd.
  4. Random drawing will be made at noon on Saturday, April 4th.
  5. If you leave a comment anonymously, please either give me enough information that I can tell who you are or send me a message at I will not ask for your real name or address unless you are the winner.


  1. I would love to read these books!
    Count me in!

  2. I would love to read the books! Place me in the contest:)

  3. What a neat giveaway!!!

    Thanks for entering me..I'll be back! :)


  4. The books look neat and I would love to read them! Neat idea!
    Lisa Terrell

  5. Glad I got the computer for a few minutes!! Yes, enter me. I would love to read and use the books. Jane G.

  6. these look fab - I'd love to win :)

  7. Whew! that was close ... I'm glad I stopped by your blog today :) -- I found out about your contest right before it ended !!!! :)

  8. I'm back --- I'd hate for you to have an uneven number of entries!! :) lol

  9. I would love to win these books! Thanks!

  10. What a cute idea. Those books look like fun! I'd like to give it a try as I am always looking for encouraging literature- and I love seeing the mail truck pull up at our place!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)