
Friday, March 27, 2009

A Puzzling Situation

Anyone notice anything strange about this Sudoku puzzle? Look at the bottom row. Yep. The number 1 is given twice.

This picture is from a puzzle book that I recently bought to keep me occupied during those moments I spend waiting in doctors' offices or taekwondo studios.

The book was published by a well-known publishing company. I only hope the puzzles inside the book are not as impossible to solve as the one on the cover. :)


  1. My daughter is a whiz at these things, but moi, absolutely not! Send it back to the publisher and maybe they'll give you free books for life! Yeah, right! I do hope you'll find a few puzzles inside that you can use! It's definitely good for keeping one's mind sharp!!

  2. ugh- I'm not good at those things

  3. I quite like doing sudoku, but I have's very frustrating when there is an incorrect one but it isn't so obvious as this - you don't find out until you're half way through!!

    Re. your comment - we don't have many mammals coming by to eat the food so I suppose the birds feel they can be more picky! We had a squirrel come through once for a couple of days and then disappeared again.

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. Ha, I love finding mistakes like that. :) You should write the company and maybe they'd at least send you a new book. :)



Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)