
Friday, May 8, 2009

The Equivalent of Three Weeks In One

Busy days. I've had lots of them recently. In fact, this week has been the equivalent of three usual weeks in that things that normally take place over three different weeks have been condensed into one very busy one. Whew! TGIF!

  • We had achievement tests this week. Our city homeschool group cooperates each year by giving the Stanford Achievement Test at various locations throughout the month of May. The Bear and I avail ourselves of this wonderful way of meeting the requirement as set forth in the Ohio education code. While the Bear is taking his test, I am in another part of the building administering it to another grade level. Testing took place each morning from Tuesday-Thursday. This required us to be elsewhere, clothed, and in our right minds earlier than normal.
  • Our church is having its annual spring revival meeting each evening. This normally takes place sometime in the month of March. However, for various reasons - upon which I will not elaborate - the meeting was moved this year. We've been having absolutely wonderful, Spirit-filled meetings. I have benefited much. I've also had the added blessing of being with the speaker personally each day, which is one of the perks of being part of the pastor's family. On the downside, this means our meal, relaxation, and sleep schedules have been altered significantly. Couple this with achievement testing and you can see that "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." I think the Lord Jesus said that about Peter. He could say the same about me right now.
  • We've endeavored to complete the usual amount of schoolwork. We can see the end of the school year so we don't want to falter now. We got a wee bit behind this year when we slowed our pace for some other important events. Well, I'm not sure how important basketball is in the grand scheme of things, but it was only one of many rabbit trails that caused detours.

On top of the three weekly things mentioned, there was another grand event that took place. Today was the last time that the Bear was so attired:

From this point on he will be wearing a red belt with a black stripe running through it. His rank is now first gup. Being interpreted, that means that the next time he tests for promotion it will be for a black belt. Way to go, Bear!


  1. I had NO idea that you had a blog. I will be back to check it out as it's WAY past my bed-time for a weeknight. I'll be back. ;)

  2. CONGRATS to the Bear! Who was your speaker for Revival? We had ours the last part of April. Someone from WV. He spent the week with us in the guest room! It was great having him around. Such a kind, humble man. He lost his wife of 40+ years last fall. He is just not the same person without her. I have missed your comments on my Project 365 blog, but now I know why you haven't been around! Summer is almost here, so maybe things will slow down for you!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)