
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Down the Home Stretch

She's not a horse, however, I think she feels like one right now. I'm talking about my daughter, Princess, whose first-born is due in about 5 weeks.

She spent some time in the maternity triage unit today. It could have been another kidney stone (she's been abundantly "blessed" with such this pregnancy.) Or it could be the early stages of labor. She's having pretty constant contractions lately. I was always one to labor for weeks before actual birth and would never have made it to the hospital in time if not sent there by my doc. Perhaps she is like her mother.

Either way, the Princess has been having enough pain that her boss noticed and sent her from work to the hospital. Since her boss is also her own o.b. doc, today's trip to the e.r. was because the doc so ordered. The Princess is home now with a prescription for the rock collection. And she was at church tonight for our revival meetings.

If, perchance, Beanie Baby decides to be a May baby as opposed to a June one the doc will let him have his way. That's exactly what his mommy did 21 years ago. She was due on about the same date as Beanie is due. We didn't make it into June. Her birthday is later this month.

Exciting days ahead, people! I can hardly wait!


  1. Lots of fun times ahead! Have an awesome week-end!

  2. Yes, very exciting! Blessings to your Princess and her little one - I'll be praying for a safe and healthy delivery when the time comes!

  3. I cant wait to hear the new nickname for the Princess' baby. You should call it something like the Duke, or some other title. hehe.

    Please email me when the Princess picks out the name that will go on the birth certificate.


  4. Give our love to Princess ... we are so excited for her!!!!!! Please make sure someone calls or emails us when Baby arrives!

  5. Very exciting! Prayers for a safe delivery, whenever that may be! (If it hasn't already happene!) Since I'm reading this just a tad bit later than you posted it!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)