
Monday, May 4, 2009

MORE Family Faux Pas

I can't seem to keep my foot out of my mouth even when words aren't actually coming out of it! I am just as limber in writing as I am while speaking. Am I talented or what!?

About yesterday's second post. You know the one? The correction of a major faux pas. Guess a couple of other faux pas (is there a plural for this term?) happened while correcting the first one.


I always tell the Bear that he was OCD then. Now that he knows what it is - and enjoys the television show "Monk" - he wouldn't be too fond of the designation now even if he does still exhibit signs of it occasionally. At least now he doesn't insist upon wearing the same stinky sandals daily and I don't need to wash the same two outfits over and over again just because they are the only ones he'll wear. I'm willing to concede that this just might be because he is growing so fast these days that he doesn't have time to get attached to certain attire before it is outgrown, but whatever works! And he is no longer obsessed with tractors. Basketball and girls would be closer to the mark. And not necessarily in that order, although, it is nice that he is friends with a nice girl basketball player.

And as for the picture: you have no idea how hard it was to find one with all of his adoring sisters in it. Yes, we look geeky and sleep deprived. So what else is new? We were geeky and sleep deprived. We're still geeky and sleep deprived! Not posting pictures about it doesn't make it "not so."

The Princess is still the baby. Just ask her. No faux pas there.


  1. My! How time flies! There are days when I really miss all of the kids being home and small! The pitter patter of little feet and gleeful, childlike laughter was music to my ears! And, then I wake up and realize that I would not want to be raising children in this day and age!

  2. I thought I looked pretty snazzy in that picture. Lol


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)