
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday's Tune-Up: The Journey is as Important as the Destination

Mapping out the route for a trip is as necessary as knowing where you want to be when you arrive. There are some places you might wish to avoid along the way even if they are the shortest distance to the desired location. Conversely, there might be some things that you wish to experience along the way even if it means slower results.

Goal setting is very similar. Whenever we make goals it is because we have a set outcome in mind. This is a good thing, but it is not the only thing. The steps we utilize to get there are also important. As is often quoted, "The end does not justify the means."

It isn't enough to want to lose weight. The program you follow to get there should be somewhat enjoyable and it should definitely be healthy. Starvation can cause rapid weight loss but it is hardly the route anyone should take to meet the goal.

It isn't enough to want to participate in more recreational activities. Reorganizing leisure time so what you have might be used for new activities can be helpful. Quitting gainful employment in order to spend each day riding bike trails is probably not a good idea.

We all know these things, you say, and that's probably true. Funny that what we know about travel, weight loss, and leisure doesn't always translate into another one of our yearly goals, that of reading the Bible! Here's one of those journey/destination conundrums relating to it:

It isn't enough to want to read through the Bible in a year's time. Incorporating God's teachings into your life and allowing them to mold you into the image of Christ is the proper technique. Reading for the sake of putting check marks on a schedule is not.

Prayerfully look over your goals and map out the route to achieve them. Make the journey as important as the final destination!

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers* only, deceiving your own selves.      James 1:22 (KJV)

*Since many of us have our own copies of the Word of God and most did not in the time of James because the canon was not complete "hearers" would include "readers" as well.

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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)