
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday's Wisdom: Roller Coaster Bible Reading

The title was not intended to mislead anyone into thinking that I read my Bible while riding roller coasters. I've been known to pray fervently while on a few of the wilder ones but never have I sat quietly reading while riding.  :)

No, what I meant by the title is that there are times when I read a passage of scripture that just makes me so sad only to immediately read one that makes me happy because it shows the solution to the problem encountered in the earlier passage. For instance, last week I read Exodus chapter 32, the chapter where the Children of Israel as led by Aaron, made the golden calf and worshipped it. Moses had to intercede for the people so that they would be saved from the wrath of God and then punctuated the seriousness of the situation by physically breaking the tablets of stone that held the 10 Commandments written by the hand of God. How depressing!

I then turned over to the New Testament passage, Luke 2, and read the well-beloved chapter that details the birth of Jesus. It also had several references in it about the Law of God. Verses 22-24 describes the steps Mary and Joseph took to keep the law as it was given to Moses. Verses 29-35 are the testimony of Simeon where he called the infant "thy [God's] salvation," or the required intercessor. Verses 36-38 tell of the aged Anna who told all that would listen that this small child was their redemption, or the One who could pay the penalty of those who could not keep the Law. Verse 39 tells that Mary and Joseph completed everything according to the law of the Lord before returning to their home in Nazareth where they would raise the child. What a wonderful, contrasting chapter!

The scriptures are one story. Man cannot satisfy the Law of God so Jesus came to satisfy it for him.

What a roller coaster ride! What a Savior!

1 comment:

  1. Been thinking of you all - and praying! Life itself is often like a roller coaster - sometimes moment by moment, then again month by month. As long as the Lord will never leave us or forsake us - we're on this ride together! Hugs!!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)