Friday, May 11, 2012

Family Friday: Counting Multiple Blessings

Last night the ladies of our church enjoyed our annual Mother-Daughter-Friend banquet and the speaker is a lady that our family has known for several years. Early in 2010 she received the news that her daughter was carrying quads! Our family was privileged to follow the story from the time the family received the news and we shared information with our church so they, too, could pray. God answered in miraculous ways and many ladies who prayed were in attendance last night. They were able to meet the grandmother, our guest speaker, and her daughter, the mother of the babies. No, the babies weren't there. I know someone will ask me about this.  :)

A DVD that was shared with our group is also online. The link to that is here. I thought some that weren't able to attend the banquet, and perhaps some that were, might like to see it.

The family was also featured by the cable series Facing Life Head On "Episode 17: A Blessing Times Four." You can find the link to that episode here. There is also a link at the site of an update that was filmed several weeks prior to the birth of the babies.

When I count my blessings my children and grandchildren are definitely included but so far all of them have arrived one at a time. This is an amazing and beautiful story of what can happen when those blessings are multiplied and it is much too good not to share!

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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)