Saturday, February 9, 2013

TAKE TIME: February 11-16 Reading Assignment

Introduction: This week God speaks with Job and his friends. He declares to Job that there are many things that no one but God can understand and that He owes Job no explanation. He teaches Job this lesson by asking him a series of scientific questions, some that humans still do not have the ability to answer!

Also in these passages are references to animals that are believed to be extinct but that might possibly have been land and aquatic dinosaurs and dragons. In the last couple of chapters Job repents of demanding an explanation from the Almighty Creator. God accepts his apology and then requires him to pray for his friends Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. God did not tell him to pray for Elihu.

Notice that God rewarded Job with double the amount of material possessions after the trial than what he had before the trial began. God also rewards him with children and a long life that allowed him to see great-great children.

After completing the book of Job we return to Genesis and begin reading about Abraham. Use the genealogy in Genesis 11 to add up the years of each person from Shem to Abraham. It proves that Abraham died before Shem, the son of Noah, did!

Reading Assignment:
  • Monday - Job 38
  • Tuesday - Job 39:1-40:14
  • Wednesday - Job 40:15-41:34
  • Thursday - Job 42
  • Friday - Genesis 11:10-12:3
  • Saturday - Genesis 12:4-13:18

Memory Verse

And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.  Genesis 12:3

Prayer Journal (ACTS)
  • Adoration - This week take time each day to praise God for being merciful.
  • Confession - God already knows about each sin but confess any as they come to your mind and ask Him to help you not sin that way again.
  • Thanksgiving - Thank God that you are blessed through the family of Abraham! It was through his family that the Savior was born!
  • Supplication - What are your prayer requests this week? List them for future reference so that you can see how God answers.

Search the Scriptures

Look for references for each of the following:
  • Promises that God made and to whom He made them. Do they apply to you?
  • References that either refer to or infer something about future events.
  • What does this passage teach about Jesus?
  • Commandments that God made and to whom He made them. Do they apply to you?

Putting the Word into Action

God moved Abraham away from his home and the worship of idols to a new country where he would serve the Lord. Are there any new families in your neighborhood? Introduce yourself, be genuinely friendly, and help them get settled. Get to know them and then introduce them to your Savior!

1 comment :

  1. My bible club lessons took us thru to the tower of Babel before going on to Job, which we start this Wed.


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)