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Does God issue any commands?
- God commanded the trumpet to sound in alarm upon the holy mountain when the day of the Lord comes.
Does God make any promises?
- God promised that there would never be a great or strong people like those that came upon them. They would be fierce and would be great horsemen. (Remember that the Assyrians were mighty warriors but that the Babylonians conquered them and were considered the Golden Empire in the vision that God gave to Nebuchadnezzar of the image.)
- God promised that if they would repent He would send them corn, wheat, wine, and oil. They would no longer be a reproach among the nations. He would also remove the northern army from them. Even the drought would end. He would restore to them what the locust, cankerworm, caterpillar, and palmerworm had eaten or destroyed.
Does this chapter teach anything about Jesus?
- Joel pleads with the inhabitants of Israel and/or Judah to repent and turn to Him before the terrible day of the Lord. Jesus pleaded with Jerusalem to repent when He was on the earth and He still pleads with sinners everywhere to repent before the terrible day of the Lord.
- Jesus told His disciples that He would go away but would send them the Holy Spirit so they would not be comfortless and would be able to perform many things through Him. Peter told the crowds that heard him preach in their own languages following Jesus' Ascention that Joel 2:28-29 was being fulfilled at that time.
Does this chapter teach anything about yet-future events?
- This chapter references again "the day of the Lord" (see verses 1 and 31). It also speaks of the trumpet blowing or signs and wonders. Many times in scripture a prophecy has at least 2 times that it comes true. In this case it probably referenced the trumpet that blew when the nation was under attack but it also references the time when the trumpet sounds, the earth shakes, and Jesus comes to rule and reign on the earth. The earth's inhabitants will tremble much as the fearful Israelites did when either the Assyrians or the Babylonians besieged them.
- The description of the armies that were to besiege Israel and/or Judah also sound descriptive of the Army of God that will come with Jesus to face the forces of Satan. Revelation describes Jesus as being on horseback and leading His army. His army cannot be defeated and they cannot be put to death. Swords will not injure them.
- The description of the sun and them moon being darkened at the time of the "day of the Lord" is yet future also as Jesus declared to His disciples in the gospels.
- This world is under a curse. The locust, cankerworm, caterpillar, and palmerworm are examples of the type of things that destroy the good. One day God will restore to us on the New Earth what these have taken away. We shall eat in plenty and be satisfied. His people shall never again be ashamed.
- Deliverance will be in Jerusalem on Mount Zion. This will be the location of the New Jerusalem, the capital city of Jesus' Kingdom.
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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)