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Does God issue any commands?
- God tells those of Israel to remember the law of Moses that was given to him in Horeb.
Does God make any promises?
- God promises healing through the Sun of righteousness for those who fear His name. He also promised that they shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall.
- God promised to send Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD.
Does this chapter teach anything about Jesus?
- Jesus is the Sun of righteousness in verse 2.
Does this chapter teach anything about yet-future events?
- Verse 1 describes a future event that will overtake the wicked. See Revelation chapters 8 and 9 for comparison.
- Verse 2 also describes a future event. This one is what happens to those made righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ.
- Verse 3 describes the ashes under the feet that result in the destruction of the wicked. The Bible declares in several places that the earth is God's footstool, and sometimes it specifically means the Son's, footstool. See Isaiah 66:1, Acts 7:49, Matthew 5:35, Psalm 110:1 for examples. Ashes of the burnt sacrifices were also to be taken outside the camp. These sacrifices represented sins and their ashes were to be taken outside of the main camp and deposited there. In verse 3 we see that the wicked will finally be sacrificed and the ashes will be underfoot.
- Elijah is yet to come as the forerunner of that great and terrible day of the LORD. After Elijah's ministry in the last days the Day of the LORD will come and the earth will be destroyed before the New Earth and Heaven are ushered into existence. See Revelation 11:3-14 for more information.
- When Elijah comes he will turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers. This will be during the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation. Some obviously will be reached by his message and ministry before his death and resurrection in Jerusalem. (Remember that he has not yet died but was translated to Heaven awaiting his final ministry upon the earth in the last days.)
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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)