Twenty years ago this week the chicken pox descended with a fury upon the inhabitants of our house. Karen had suffered through them a few weeks previously. Therefore the 5-year-old Lulu and the 9-month-old Princess were soon so afflicted. Since I had successfully avoided them up until that time their 29-year-old mother was soon joining in with the scratching and the oatmeal baths.
Oh. My. Word. The Princess had recently weaned herself once she found that breastfeeding slowed her down from her active lifestyle and that sippy cups were more portable. I was sad when she stopped nursing a few weeks earlier but extremely relieved that she had once the pox broke out on my body. I had lesions in places that small children didn't even know existed unless they were just experiencing birth or were nursing infants!
It was not a pleasant couple of weeks, and I intend to share more next week about a dark cloud with a silver lining that followed this germy event, but for now, I'll just say that I hope everyone is having a nice "pre-Spring" and I'll see you next week.
Ewww..chicken pox. I almost fear that at this point. I've had them and my 18 year old had them as a 2 year old, but all 5 other children have NOT had them! It will be a very sad day when/if they get them - or should I say a sad many days! Can you imagine how long it would take for them to go through 5 children? Goodness...certainly not something I want to think about today. Ugh!
ReplyDeleteI've heard that having chicken pox as an adult is reallyl bad. My brother in law had them in his 30's. Not fun. Aren't you glad those days are over?
I had them when I was 17 and that was not fun! I have 5 children who have not had them yet.... I wonder how that will go??
ReplyDeleteWhen we moved to Addyston, OH, the boy next door started Kindergarten that year. And guess what the present was that he brought home right off the bat? You guessed it! Chicken Pox. I only had 3 babies at the time, but they all got it! The 2 older ones had a very mild case, but the 3 month old was covered with pox from her head to her toes. She sure looked pathetic for awhile! I keep wondering if the 2 older ones will get them again when their children are infected, since they had such mild cases. I hope not! And now that we are talking about this, I wonder if my 4th child ever had the pox? I surely do not remember that he did! hmmmm??!! But, at least DH and I had them as kids!
ReplyDeleteI have five brothers and sisters and the four oldest of us had them all together. My mother actually wanted us to get them, to get it over with. So, when friends had them, she made us go over and rub ourselves all over them! Well, not really, but we did have a VERY extended and active play date. I don't know if she regrets it, but bless her for letting us have them when we were too young to remember anything but the stories!
ReplyDeleteThanks for reminding me of a very fun memory!
I remember having the chicken pox when I was a kid. They have been through our house - my daughter caught them a week before she was due to have the vaccination. I am all itchy just thinking about it!
ReplyDeleteYou are one of the few adults that I have heard of having the pox later in life. My husband had them in college! Can't imagine! Yucky! I so recall life stopping around our house when we all got them. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI dread the day my daughter gets chicken pox!!!! I had them when I was 3 or 4, I don't remember!
ReplyDeleteIt is certainly a good thing she decided to wean when she did!
Well, I think I've paid for my "mild" case of chicken pox, considering I've already had shingles.
ReplyDeleteAt age 25.
While pregnant.
I remember my stomach just being covered with them and all I wanted to do was lift up my shirt and scratch! Oh the memories
ReplyDeleteChicken pox are not fun! I have some scars from scratching them.
ReplyDeleteI guess they are just something that lots of people have to experience. But when they go through a large family it can seem like forever until they are all over with!
I have a friend that got them inside her mouth and down her throat and she was miserable! Yuck!
Well, thanks for the "pleasant" memories! ha!
I got them twice. Once around the time Abby had them and then another after my mom and dad let me play with a neighborhood friend who had them because they thought I wouldn't get them again. I did, and that apparently makes me some kind of medical phenomenon.
ReplyDeleteSounds like quite an experience. Reminds me of the time five us were all down with the flu and vomiting every twenty minutes. We all camped out on the living room floor together. What a sorry bunch we were. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteOOOHHH, I'm sorry...29??? I was 16 and remember having them EVERYWHERE!!!! I couldn't even eat or fully close my eyes...and everything HURT!!!
ReplyDeleteGlad that time is past!!! I made sure my girls had them when they were 'small'....they were 6 & 3 and I DO NOT miss those days!!!
oh my... that would not be fun. This is another of life's events i do not look forward to revisiting as a mother!
ReplyDeleteOh wow! That would be awful!!!
ReplyDeleteWe were on vacation with our three when they caught the pox. No fun! What a memory though!