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Even though God had told David that he would not be the one to build Him a house but that his son would, David set to work preparing building materials in abundance so that they would be ready for his son to build God a house of worship. Then he gave his son instructions for building that house.
Does God issue any commands?
- David told Solomon of God's commands. God had instructed that David not build the house of worship because he was a man of war but instructed that his son, Solomon (even the name was taken from shalom, peace), be the one to build the Temple because he would be a man of peace.
Does God make any promises?
- God promised that Solomon could build the Temple with the things that David had prepared for it.
- David told Solomon of God's promise of an everlasting covenant.
Does this chapter teach anything about Jesus?
- The whole Old Testament is about God getting everything ready for the Messiah, Jesus, the Son Who came to prepare a place for us so that we could forever worship the Father in the beauty of holiness. Jesus Himself told His disciples in John 14 that He was going to prepare a place for us and then would come again to receive us unto Himself so that where He is we will be there also. He also said in that chapter that He and His Father are one and that anyone who saw Jesus saw the Father revealed in Him.
- It can be said that God is a God of war because He was forced to wage battle against sin in order to purchase His creation once more. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. This relationship between the Warrior King and the Prince of Peace is pictured by David and Solomon.
- Just as David instructed his beloved son in building a place where God and man would meet, Jesus said that He had kept all of His Father's commands for building a place where God and man must meet.
- Solomon had access to all of his father's riches and provisions. Jesus had access to all of His Father's riches and provisions. And because of Jesus, all who repent of their sin and trust in Him as their savior also have access to the Father's riches and provisions.
Does this chapter teach anything about yet-future events?
- The splendor and glory of all the provisions that David set aside to build a magnificent Temple surely point out what a spectacular place the mansions of Heaven must be!
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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)