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God gives instructions for the celebration of Passover, a Jewish celebration that actually ended last night. (Note: the last phrase denotes Passover in the year 2013. The celebration typically falls around the Christian celebration of Easter. - kp)
Does God make any promises in this chapter?
- He promised to pass throughout the land of Egypt and kill the firstborn of every person and animal whose home did not have the lamb's blood of atonement on the sides and top of the doorframe.
- He promised that He would pass over the houses that had the blood on the doorframe.
The whole Passover observance is a picture of the Messiah:
- spotless lamb
- unleavened (meaning without sin)
- blood sacrifice
- blood covering the entryway
- bitter herbs to signify how distasteful this whole sacrifice was to the Father!
- no bones broken
Are there any references to yet-future events?
The Passover is a meal of remembrance for all that God did to deliver His chosen people from bondage. It reminds me that when He instituted the Lord's Supper Jesus told His disciples He would partake of it with them (and us) in His Father's Kingdom as a testimony of how He delivered His chosen from the bondage of sin. That is definitely a future communion service!Does God issue any commands?
- God commanded them to change their calendar to reflect the beginning of the year. God was obviously giving them a whole new start in life!
- God commanded them to choose a lamb for the Passover on the tenth day of their first month.
- God commanded them to share the feast with a neighboring family if their family was too small.
- God commanded the lamb to be a male lamb less than a year old and without spot or blemish
- God commanded them to kill the lamb and eat it on the night of the 14th day of the first month
- God commanded them to strike the sides and upper door posts with the blood
- God commanded them to roast the lamb and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs
- God commanded them not ot break a bone of the sacrificial lamb
- God commanded them to burn any leftovers
- God commanded them to eat with their shoes and clothes on, and with the staff in their hand
- God commanded them to eat unleavened bread for 7 days, from days 14 to 21.
- God commanded them concerning who could eat the meal, specifically concerning servants and foreigners
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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)