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Does God make any promises in this chapter?
- God promised to meet with His people and speak with them above the mercy seat of the Ark
Are there any references to Jesus?
- The Ark of the Covenant was to be covered with pure gold. This is symbolic of the precious Son of God. Can you imagine how it shone? Jesus shone brighter than the sun upon the Mount of Transfiguration before His death as well as every time He appeared to someone from Heaven after His ascension.
- The mercy seat (also could be interpreted as "place of atonement" or altar) on the Ark is a symbol of Jesus. Churches should not call the front piece of furniture an altar (just call it a pulpit and that will be fine) because Jesus is our altar. It is on Him that our sins were laid and it is upon Him that we must offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to God. It was at this place (above the mercy seat and between the cherubim) that God said He would meet with the people. It is only because of the mercy we have received through the atonement offering of Jesus that allows us to meet with the holy God.
- The table of shewbread was also a type of Christ. It held ceremonial bread that was then eaten by the priests. Jesus said that He is the Bread of Life. He also said that His words are to be our bread, meaning that reading His words (the Bible) are our spiritual food.
- The candlestick had 7 shafts. It is also symbolic of Jesus. The number 7 is the number of perfection used often by God (number of days in a week, etc.) and symbolizes the Perfect Lamb of God. Jesus is also called the Light of the World. We, as Christians, are the lesser lights reflecting His light within us.
Are there any references to future events?
- The Apostle John saw the golden candlestick in Heaven during his vision that was recorded in Revelation. He was told that it is symbolic of the churches that are the light of the world and the pillar and ground of the truth. Since churches consist of the people in them (and not the buildings where they meet) we may very well see this lovely piece of lighting equipment in Heaven someday when we all gather together as one unified assembly.
- John also saw the Ark of the Covenant (or Testament) in Heaven (see Rev. 11:19).
Does God issue any commands?
- God told Moses to tell the people to bring offerings of precious metals, fine textiles, spices, wood, oil, and precious stones. These were not to be forced offerings (like a tax) but to be given freely by those who desired to contribute.
- God told Moses to tell the people to make a sanctuary where He would meet with them according to the pattern that God would give for it.
- God commanded the main piece of tabernacle furnishing to be the Ark of the Covenant. Not only does the Ark itself, particularly the mercy seat represent Christ, but the cherubim that look upon the mercy seat must represent the heavenly beings who had particular guard duties (such as at the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden).
- God commanded them to make a Table for the shewbread as well as serving dishes for it. There was always to be an offering of bread.
- God gave them a pattern for the golden candlestick, which originally had 7 lamps.
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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)