Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What I Want to Do for God

It doesn't really matter what I want to do for God. It only matters what God wants me to do in order that the world might hear about Him.

"It is not for us to dream our own dreams of what we want to do for God. This is never the pattern in the Scriptures. God already knows what He is purposing to do through those He calls to Himself. And He's waiting for us to adjust our lives to His purposes so He can work powerfully through us to redeem our lost world."
Henry Blackaby
What the Spirit is Saying to the Churches (page 17)


  1. It's hard sometimes to "put" ourselves out of His way, isn't it?

  2. I always love what one young pastor used to say after his sermon. He'd give an altar call and then said that he's going to be quiet now and step out of the way, do no more talking, and allow for the Holy Spirit to work on people's heart. That always touched me deeply. He had preached what the Lord placed in his heart, then had given an invitation and simply remained silent.

    I, too, just want to be available for the Lord to use me as He needs and see fit. He knows the gifts He has given me, and He can take those and give me others to serve Him best.



Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)