Friday, October 24, 2008

Someone's Gonna Need A Bigger House

I just love driving to taekwondo on Friday mornings so that The Bear (my son) and Polly (my granddaughter) can take lessons because Tigger (another one of my granddaughters - everyone clear on the relationships and "borrowed names" now?) goes along for the ride.

[Friday mornings are the real reason why I need a blog. I just can't remember all the funny stuff to tell Pastor Dad (yep! that's you, honey!) Karen and Prince Charming, Lou and Sgt. Dan (when he makes Lt. we'll all call him Lt. Dan in our best Forrest Gump voices) or the Princess and The Chili King (those from this area will be able to figure out the significance). The Bear always hears the conversations that transpire but still manages to keep a straight face. I don't know how he does it!]

But I obviously digress.

This morning we were motoring along as usual when the topic of silly songs came up. The girls began singing such blockbuster hits as Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road (I think I've Mem and Pop to thank for that one!) and The Cheeseburger Song from Veggie Tales when Polly stopped singing long enough to ask me to identify my favorite animal. (What brought that to mind? I have no clue!)

After much thought (too much, actually) I said, "cat." Simple. Direct. Plus we have none at the moment to drive me nuts as opposed to answering "dog" which is something we do have that drives me bonkers on an almost hourly basis.

Tigger immediately piped up, "My favorite animal is a manatee and once I get big enough to have a pet of my own I'm going to get one."

Okaaay. I explained that a manatee is way too large to be a pet because it would take a HUGE aquarium for one. Even you don't have an aquarium big enough, Sgt. Dan!

Not too discouraged, Tigger countered with this, "Well, I'll just need to make sure I get a baby manatee then."

And I'm guessing she'll name it Barbara.


  1. When I asked Tigger about this she said, "Yep, a baby manatee. From the zoo." I have the strangest vision of my daughter kidnapping a manatee.

    Maybe we better not renew our zoo membership?

  2. I think the connection between silly songs and favorite animals has something to do with silly songs leading to Veggie Tales songs which probably led Tigger to the Barbra Manatee Vegetale's song about manatees, which we all know now is Tigger's favorite animal now.

    Just thought I'd give my opinion. I still think like a four-year-old sometimes. :)

  3. I'd agree with you Kelly, except manatees have been Tigger's favorite since she could talk. But I'm sure the catchy little song doesn't hurt. :)

  4. Well, bonus points to me for making an analogy of sorts. :) It's the thought that counts.

  5. Yes, I see the connection between Veggie Tales and Tigger's thoughts but it was POLLY who posed the question. I guess she really was way ahead of me, which isn't all that unusual, actually. In my defense, I was doing other things at the time. (Like driving a busy interstate!)

    I think it would be safe to renew the zoo membership. The last time I checked they had only adult manatees, no baby ones.

    Wouldn't hurt to check before going there though. One can never be too careful! :)

  6. Children are so cute. Our daughter wanted to be a wooly worm veterinarian when she was about 5 or 6. Finally saw there wasn't much need for one and so she changed her plans. :-)
    Have a great day!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)