Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Today's Funny

Conversation last week with my second granddaughter (who recently had a birthday):

Tigger: Gram, I'm this many now (holding up 4 fingers).

Me: Wow, Tigger, you are getting so big!

Tigger: Yes, but next year I will be this many (holding up all 5 fingers of one hand). Mom says then I'll be a handful!

Me: But doesn't your mom already say that about you?

Tigger: Yes, but I don't understand why because I won't be a handful for almost another whole year yet!

What can I say? I think we better batten down the hatches!


  1. Thanks to my daughter Karen's graciousness you should be able to determine that GD2 (second granddaughter) is none other than her very own Tigger! I'll use their wonderfully descriptive pseudonyms from here on.

    And no, my given name is not Karabeth. Those of you who know us know the history of the name.

  2. Tigger said almost the same thing to me last night! I think she's trying to get a head start on next year's gifts ;)

    And welcome to the blogging world!


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)