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Congratulations! If you have been reading along with me you have now completed the books of Genesis, Job, and Exodus. It has taken 4 whole months to read only 3 books but reading more slowly has allowed me - and you, I hope - to experience more fully the message that God has given us in His word, the Bible. I definitely see more clearly how the Old Testament and the New Testament relate to each other.
Does God make any promises in this chapter?
- The most spectacular promise of all was the presence of God as shown by His glory filling the tabernacle. It was so overpowering that even Moses was not able to enter into the tent. This signified that God had kept His promise to go with them and lead them into the promised land. It also showed that He had put away their sin from the golden calf incident in order to be their God once more.
Are there any references to Jesus?
- Once the Children of Israel had sinned by worshiping the golden calf God had stated that He could not lead them because He could not accept an unrighteous people. Moses had interceded for them and in this passage we see that God accepted the intercession of Moses and was once again leading them through the cloud and fire of His glory. This signifies the work that Jesus does for sinful, but repentant, men. We are idolatrous and unworthy but Jesus intercedes for us. And because He does we can be led by God, our Father, by the power of His glory.
Are there any references to future events?
- Just as these people, who did not deserve to stand near the presence of God, were able to behold the glory of God from within sight of their very tent doors, so will we, the redeemed people of God, see Him in all of His glory someday and will make our home with Him. We are told that He will dwell with us. Can you imagine looking out the door and viewing the very real presence of God? Someday we will!
Does God issue any command?
- Now that the tabernacle and clothing for the priests have been completed, God commanded Moses to set up the tabernacle on the first day of the first month. (This would signify that it had been almost one year since the LORD had instituted the Passover and had brought the people out of Egypt. See Exodus 12:2.)
- The tablets of stone containing the commandments were to be placed inside the Ark of the Covenant.
- God gave instructions for positioning the table, the candlestick, the altar of incense, the altar for burnt offerings, the laver, and the placing of the curtains.
- God commanded anointing oil to be used to hallow and sanctify the tabernacle and the priests
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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)