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When we travel we might make complaints to the customer service department of whatever travel company is in charge of our reservations. In the case of the Hebrews the One making their travel arrangements was God and He was not pleased when they complained!
The first part of the chapter states that the people complained and God sent a fire into the camp. There isn't a reason stated why they were complaining. They just were. Evidently they did not like the travel schedule since that is what is mentioned immediately following in the preceding chapter.
The next complaint was about the food. They were tired of the manna and looked back fondly at the food of Egypt which they had "freely." I guess that part about being enslaved slipped their minds. This complaint also ultimately caused the death of many people.
The germ spread so quickly throughout the camp, as disgruntlement always does. The complaints of the people led Moses to complain to God about being responsible for the welfare of all the people, a job that he tried to refuse from the moment he heard about it at the burning bush. Moses became so distraught that he asked God to kill him if he had to continue sole responsibility for everyone.
Does God make any promises in this chapter?
- God promised help for Moses. 70 men were to be appointed. When God came down upon them they prophesied!
- God promised the people meat, but since their request came as a result of disrespect toward God the promise to deliver was going to turn into a curse. They were going to eat meat for a month.
Does this chapter teach anything about Jesus?
- Not that I could identify, however, it clearly teaches about the Holy Spirit.
Does this chapter teach anything about yet-future events?
- Not that I identified.
Does God issue any commands?
- After Moses's discouraged pleas God told him to pick 70 men who were elders of the people so that they could receive the same spirit that was upon Moses to enable them to bear some of the burdens of the people.
- The LORD told Moses to tell the people to sanctify themselves so that they would be prepared to receive the meat God would bring them.
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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)