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Not only did God make Aaron's branch blossom but it brought forth almonds, too, and in record time! And since on one else seemed to take the schooling of the past year seriously God gave the Levites a refresher course as well.
Does God make any promises in this passage?
- God promised that Aaron's budding rod would be kept as a token against the rebels.
- God promised the Levites as ministers to help the priests but he promised death to any stranger that attempted to minister in the manner set aside for the Levites.
- God promised the heave offerings to the priests and their family as their portion of food. He also provided them with the first fruit offerings.
Does this passage teach anything about Jesus?
- Aaron's rod that budded and then bore almonds was a picture of Jesus. Although Jesus was not of the Levitical tribe but from the tribe of Judah, He is known as the Root and Branch of Jesse because it is through the kingly line that Jesus will rule and reign forever upon the throne of David. The book of Hebrews makes it clear that Jesus was a high priest like Melchizedek. However, Jesus was the eternal High Priest who atoned for sins once for all! His blood is the token that God sees that covers the sins of all rebels who repent.
Does this passage teach anything about yet-future events?
- Scriptures mention several "tokens" given for memorials. Specifically, they are listed as tokens for God to remember His promises, as though God needed any reminder! But that is the point. God does not need any strings tied around His fingers to remind Himself of the promises He has made but He gives these tokens to tell people that He remembers certain things. Some of the tokens of remembrance are the rainbow, the blood over the doorposts as Passover, and Aaron's rod that budded and bore almonds. Whenever Satan accuses us before Him, God sees the blood offered by Jesus and remembers that the atonement has been paid and in the future He will see the seal of the Holy Spirit upon us as our earnest in order for us to be allowed to live with the Father throughout eternity.
Does God issue any commands?
- Following all the challenges to the priesthood of Aaron and his sons, God told Moses to have every tribe submit a rod of their choice with each tribe's name written on it. The rod for the tribe of Levi would be Aaron's. The rod that blossomed would signify God's chosen
- God spoke to Aaron and told him that he and his sons would bear the iniquity of the sanctuary and their priesthood. God commanded the tribe of Levi to minister unto the priests, but the priests were to minister before the tabernacle.
- God gave the firstborn of animals and people to the Levites. The clean animals were not to be redeemed but the people and unclean animals were to be redeemed.
- God commanded that the Levites have no inheritance in the land of Canaan. God would be their inheritance.
- The people were not to approach the sanctuary of the tabernacle or they would die. Only the priests were to bear the iniquities of the people.
- God commanded the Levites to give a tithe of the heave offerings and first fruits that were given to them as a tithe by the people. The principle of the tithe is the same for everyone, landowners and tabernacle workers.
- The Levites were commanded not to pollute the things dedicated to God by the people. They were to take their responsibilities seriously. (As mentioned once before, the sons of Eli are offenders that immediately come to mind.)
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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)