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Does God issue any commands in this passage?
- The people were told to completely destroy the groves and altars that the Canaanites built for their idols as well as breaking the idols themselves.
- In 12:8 God commanded them not to do "that which is right in [your] own eyes" (and yet that is exactly the theme phrase of the book of Judges) but in the place where God chose to put His name was where the people were to come to worship and bring their offerings.
- Ceremonial eating was to take place in specific places but personal hunting and eating were allowed anywhere (while following the proper dietary laws).
- They were to make sure that they did not neglect the care and support of the Levites.
- They were not to follow prophets who led them to worship gods. It was a test of their faithfulness. False prophets were to be put to death.
- Even family members who attempted to entice their loved ones to worship false gods were to be put to death.
- If a city of Israel turned to idol worship the rest of the nation were to put the inhabitants to death and destroy the city with the spoils.
Does God make any promises in this passage?
- Obedience meant blessing, including expanding the borders of the nation.
Does this passage teach anything about Jesus?
- God told the people that He had chosen a place to put His name and that this was where they were to worship. This was the topic that the woman at the well in Samaria wanted to debate with Jesus. He told her that salvation was of the Jews and that the time was coming when worship would not take place in either Jerusalem or Samaria but that true worship was of God is in spirit and in truth and that this is what God truly desired.
- God gave the people precepts (or commands) for worship and daily living. Actually, even the commands given for daily living were so they would be a holy people who worshiped God. I John 5:1-5 says that those who love God keep His commandments and those commandments are not meant to be grievous but protection. And those who love God love His Son, Jesus, also.
Does this passage teach anything about yet-future events?
- These commands will not be necessary in eternity. All who live will love the LORD and willingly serve Him.
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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)