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Does God issue any commands?
- God does not speak.
Does God make any promises?
- God does not speak.
Does this passage teach anything about Jesus?
- Esther found favor in the king's sight and he told her that he would grant any request that she made. Jesus told his disciples that God, His Father, heard His requests and granted them. He said that our petitions made in His name according to the Father's will would likewise be granted because Jesus and those who follow Him find favor in God's sight.
- Mordecai being led through the streets dressed as royalty and riding the king's horse is foreshadowing of the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem riding the donkey's foal. Neither Mordecai nor Jesus was going to be in a position to rule immediately but both would find themselves ruling as a co-regent at a later time, Mordecai beside Ahasuerus and Jesus beside the Father.
Does this passage teach anything about yet-future events?
- Esther's banquets were used as a time of revealing friends and enemies. Jesus told His disciples on their last evening together that He no longer considered them servants but friends and as His friends they would sit at the banquet that He prepared for them in His kingdom. Won't it be wonderful to sit around Jesus' table as His friends?! (See Luke 22:29-30 and John 15:12-17)
It's amazing to think that the Lord of all lords call us friends and invite us to dine with Him. What a privilege people we are.