In accordance with the rules of the award, I must post 7 things that are awesome about myself and pick 7 people whose blogs I find awesome. So here goes...
Seven things that are awesome about me:
- I am a child of the King. That is the most awesome thing about me and it also means that I'm not awesome after all. The God I serve is awesome, though, and because of the price He paid and the grace He has shown me I can be His child. Any crowns that come my way will be cast at His feet because I'm covered in His awesomeness.
- I'm the only person on earth who is the wife of Pastor Dad. (And I sincerely hope there are no names on a waiting list.)
- I'm the mother of three wonderful girls and one fantastic boy, and the grandmother of three wonderful little girls and one sure-to-be fantastic little boy (who will soon be making his long-awaited appearance).
- I'm the only child of my parents. I don't know if that makes me awesome, but they seem to think so.
- I'm a trend-setter and a trend-breaker. I started a trend of giving birth every 7 years in May. I did this 3 times, which means I have children who turned (or soon will turn) 28, 21, and 14. I'm a trend breaker because I have no child turning 7 and no new arrivals of my own due this month, thankfully.
- I've made it almost half of a century without exterminating anyone. No slow-poke drivers, insulting sales personnel, nasty professors, or people cutting in line have been eliminated by the daggers being shot from my eyes. Pretty awesome accomplishment, if I do say so myself.
- Since I am somewhat ambidextrous (not to be confused with ambi-obnoxious) I tend to get mixed up when someone tells me to "turn left" or "turn right" unless I am wearing Sesame Street shoes with little l's and r's painted on them and can look down at them quickly. However, I seem to have an uncanny sense of direction when it comes to being the navigator on car excursions. I guess the Lord felt He needed to provide me some type of homing devise since I am so dexterously-challenged.
Seven people who I think are awesome bloggers:
- Karin of Yesterday, Today, Forever. Her blog is "awesome" because of the poetry she writes.
- Vicky of Project 365. Her digital scrapbooking pages are "awesome."
- Donna of Living On The Creek who just became a grandma for the first time: "Awesome!"
Okay, so I either can't count or I'm cheating. Either way, I'm stopping right here to allow some of these ladies to share the love with the rest of you. (I reserve the right to name 4 more at a later date.)
I also find you to be an awesome wife and friend.
Pastor Dad
P.S. There is no waiting list :)
;) I actually had forgotten about it, so I'm impressed you remembered! Thanks for sharing...it's been so fun "getting to know you".
ReplyDeleteThat was a great read! You have such a warm and easy writing style - very enjoyable. Also, I find it awesome that your hubby actually reads your blog! Thank you for finding my blog awe SOME because ALL the AWE belongs only to our Lord and Savior because He is the one who gives the poems. Blessings on you and your lovely family. Enjoy your Memorial Day week-end!