Saturday, November 16, 2013

Journal Through the Bible: Week 42 Tuesday

II Samuel chapter 3 (Read October 22, 2013)

Most of us are familiar with the story of David's family including events that are yet in the future in our reading, so reading the names of the six sons born to him during the Hebron years evokes certain emotions as we consider what is to come.

Abner, the servant of the House of Saul, acknowledged that God had promised the kingdom to David and in a moment of anger with Saul's successor, Ishbosheth, he swore to deliver the kingdom to David. Abner's admission makes me wonder why he was fighting against David and the will of God in the first place! Perhaps like many, he felt he could control politics for his own advantage.

David accepted Abner's overture and made a treaty with him. David's wife - and Saul's daughter - was to be the token that sealed the bargain.

Does God issue any commands?

  • God did not speak in this chapter.

Does God make any promises?

  • God did not speak in this chapter, but His promise to David is mentioned by Abner and it is being fulfilled in this chapter.

Does this chapter teach anything about Jesus?

  • As a mediator between the ruler and his wayward kingdom, Abner was a picture of Jesus, the mediator between God and the wayward world.
  • Abner preached to the elders of Israel that God had appointed David to save His people from the Philistines. In this instance, Abner's prophecy likens David to Jesus, the One appointed by God to save His people from all of their enemies.
  • Abner died the death of the innocent just as Jesus did. He was killed by someone who hated him (Joab). The world hated Jesus and they killed Him.

Does this chapter teach anything about yet-future events?

  • In his grief, King David declares that the LORD will reward evil doers according to their wickedness. It was true then, it is true now, and it will ultimately be the final judgment against the wicked who will stand before the Great White Throne judgment.

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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 (KJV)